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Holy mother of hens. 986 reads. What in the world! Thanks so much for reading this. And I am so sorry for not being active and writing this. I will soon! BTW I faintly remember Red Queen I read long ago last year, so some things may be mixed up. Sorry in advanced.

In this room is anything more than 12 and less than 10. We are all still waiting on Mare and Maven.

The silver prince.

I look around at everyone, Farley made sure no one knows of me. No distractions.

Of course no distractions.

They all don't know that I am not just s new quiet red who joined the scarlet guard I am a powerful person. Who has doubled the abilities then this Mare.

But I guess it is right that she does the main things, the whole royal silvers saw the red use powers. And now they are just hiding her under their plan.

Something more sinister is going to come out of this I can feel it. Not just is it going to go our way, but- another way. Someone else's.

Farley looks up as we see Maven the prince walk in, all the guards all get into a protective stance in case the powerful silver does something to them.

Kilorn looks at Mare with such a worried look. I wonder how it feels to see your best friend over time.

I won't see Laia again.

Farley begins laying down the plans. and I can't help but want to talk to Mare. Speak to her, ask how does she feel about this. But she doesn't know about me.


The plan was down.

My job to do, was the out side, the bombs. The shooting, I'll be out side. Not in the castle.

But I can get in there. Mainly when I have to.

I have been practicing my abilities lately. And I have come to a conclusion that, there has to be a reason why these powers decided to show up so late.

I can't imagine, how King Tiberias must feel knowing that in his walls and out, is abominations to the separation of Reds and Silvers.

I do take into curiosity, what happens if I do something wrong. I can still runaway. Get away with it all.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 02, 2016 ⏰

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Bleeding Red - Red Queen FanFictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ