"I don't like this place Lou," he said. "I want my mommy. Can we go home?"

It was hell just trying to get here, he wouldn't go back because the boy was afraid of a few new people.

They continued on, getting deeper and deeper into the market. And the further they got the more tense and frightened the child became. "Everyone's sick," he cried. "They're going to die because they're sick."

"What are you talking about? Everyone is fine. Look at them."

The boy shook his head and clenched tighter to Louis. "You can't feel it Lou. It's bad. I don't like this place. They're all sick and they don't know it."

Wanting to entertain the child, he asked, "What does it feel like?"

"Like someone's hurting me. It hurts Lou. It's bad. I want my mommy."

Shaking his head and sighing, Louis walked into his friend's shop. "Aadila! Aadila!" He stood and waited at the door, however no answer came. "Aadila are you here love?" Still no answer.

He walked to the back and continued calling out to her. "Aadila I have that cake you wanted. But you have to come out and get it."

"She's dying Lou," Kai cried. He whimperd into Louis' shoulder and repeated what he said. "I can feel it Lou. She's dying."

He waved the bag in the air, hoping she'd come to the annoying sound. But still no answer. He sighed and figured she was out doing some type of job for someone.

"Alright Kai. I'll take you home." It was very disappointing that he wasn't able to see her, but they could come at another time.

They were at the front door when a loud thud from her room shuttered the walls and windows of the place. Louis wasted no time running to and bursting the door open.

The sight was terrifying. Aadila was on the floor, foaming at the mouth and violently jerking her body in every direction possible. Kai screeched and Louis put him down, rushing to her side. "Shit. Shit. Shit, shit, shit...." Louis was never one to curse, but in this situation he was at a loss for any other words.

He held her in his arms and helplessly watched her eyes roll to the back of her head. "Dammit. Kai do something!"

"I can't!"

"Yes you can!" In Louis' mind, if Kai could know his godmother was dying, then he could know how to help her. "Come over here!"

"I can't help her Lou!" In an heart beat Louis jumped over his friend's body and grabbed the wailing boy. He pressed the tiny hands on Aadila's chest and kept yelling at him to do something. "I can't Lou! I can't!"

An ear pericing shreik came from the woman as her body turned stiff as a board. It stung the boys' ears and Louis reduced to covering them. However Kai was frozen with his hands on her chest, still screaming he couldn't do anything. He couldn't do anything to help her.

The shrieking got louder and Louis rolled on the ground in agony. He felt nothing but the warm blood from his ears trickle in between his fingers and onto the sides of his face. Screams left him though they faltered under the painful sound coming from his friend.

And then it was silent. As is none of it happened, it was silent. Louis catiously let go of his bleeding ears, and looked around. The room was still. Nothing was out of place, nothing was rattling.

Kai was still wailing over Aadila, who's mouth and body was locked in a shocked state. Her mouth was open but quivering, and her hands were shaking by her sides.

Slowly, and ever so slowly, he could hear the boy crying. First faint, like it was ver far away, then gradualy getting louder, until he could fully hear him. "I can't do it," Kai whimpered. "I can't help her. I can't. I can't."

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