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Louis' fluffy socks glided effortlessly against the wood floors

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Louis' fluffy socks glided effortlessly against the wood floors. He had his day planned out, it consisted mainly of dragging Niall out to the mall with him for most of the day.

"Hey Harry." Louis spoke shooting him a smile as he grabbed an apple and waited for Niall, he had taken his car out the garage and parked it next to Harry's Range Rover.

But his plans were ruined when Niall texted him saying that he had gotten grounded for coming home too late.

"Where're you going?" Louis asked following Harry outside, "gotta wash my car." Louis was surprised Harry's voice wasn't harsh for once, it was tranquil.

Louis pulled himself on top of his Mercedes Benz crossing his legs as he stared down at his grey sweatpants before watching Harry pull out the hose and run the water.

By the time Harry had finished putting soap on the car and bad began rinsing Louis was beginning to grow board, he had left his phone inside and was too lazy to go inside to retrieve it, he had resulted to complaining to Harry about his boredom, suddenly gasping when he felt something wet soak his body.

Harry has sprayed him with the hose.

Louis shrieked as Harry did it again as he walked closer to the blue eyed boy.

"Harry! Stop it!" He giggled he struggled to get off of his car, when he finally was able to do so he grabbed the bucket filled with soapy water and threw the water at Harry. He laughed until he realized Harry dropped the hose and began rubbing his eyes, soap must have gotten in his eyes.

"Shoot, I'm so sorry Harry-" dropping his hands from his eyes Harry now had grabbed Louis, holding him to his chest so he couldn't get away before picking up the hose once again with his free hand and holding it over Louis' head.

Their laughs filled the front yard they fought each other for the hose, each wanting to get back at the other.

After an hour or so both boys had stopped and were drying out in the sun so they wouldn't have to explain why the house was so wet when Louis' parents arrived home.

Once dry enough Louis latched himself onto Harry's back and made him carry him into the house and upstairs, and yeah Harry was defiantly warming up to Louis.


Anne had called the Tomlinson's residence in hopes to speak to her son but Harry was too stubborn to speak with her, she sent him away so why should he talk to her?

For the rest of the day he had closed himself listening to Alayna speak about some random guy she met at the club a few days ago, well half listening.

The rest of his attention was glued to Louis who was sat criss cross in front of him dresser shuffling through his clothes for something to sleep in. His tongue poked out slightly to run over his lips as he hummed quietly to himself.

He was mesmerizing in Harry's opinion, absolutely mesmerizing. Harry had never found someone this appealing in the past, his life consisted of meaningless slags and one night stands, so he could just feel something. But Harry Styles didn't "feel", it was nearly impossible.

"What?" Louis asked insecurely shying away from Harry's gaze.

"Alayna? I'll call you back." He mumbled not bothering for her reply before ending the call.

"Nothing." Harry replied continuing to stare at Louis with no shame, why would he have shame for staring at someone so perfect?

"Hey Haz?"

"Haz?" Harry raised an eyebrow at the nickname without Louis noticing, he decided to let it slide because it was Louis.

"Can you help me?" Harry sat up a bit, "with what?" Harry asked, Louis gestured to the dresser.

"I need help organizing it." Normally Harry would have already said no to anybody else but his body and mind seemed to compel against him as he stood up from the bed and made his way to Louis before mirroring Louis position, Harry was only in sweatpants and a muscle tee, which Louis found a bit too attractive on the lad.

Oh if only his mum and dad could hear his thoughts, he'd be a goner for sure.

So the two males spent the next few hours there shifting through Louis' clothes-ignoring the underwear draw- before Louis began to grow tired. A yawn escaped his lips causing one to leave Harry's as well, Louis giggled at that before watching Harry get up from the floor then reach out his hand for Louis to take.

Louis excepted the help gratefully, feeling bold Louis placed his lips on Harry's cheek softly, "thanks for helping me."

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