He leaned in and whispered, "I don't. I just play with them for three hours and pick the one I had the most fun with." He stood up straight and smiled sarcasticly. "They really choose the right job for me, huh?"

She stared at him, shocked to no end. You weren't supposed to play on your job. You wren't supposed to play at all. Playtime was meant for children, not for adults.

She stared at the man, who stiffled a laugh and moved the tiny sperm around. "This is a mistake," she whispered.

"I know right? I was shocked when they told me I had a shadower for the next year. You might not learn much. You can go with somebody else if you want. It wouldn't hurt my feelings."

I got stuck with a child, she told herself. A child in an adult's body.

"But," said Louis. "If you really want to enjoy this job then stay with me. It's your choice. And living here, I'd say you want to take whatever choice you can get."

A choice. She had gotten choies before, it wasn't like she had never made a choice for herself. She had made some. She grumbled and poked his arm.

He looked over, waiting for an answer. "I'll stay. But only if you teach me somethign real. Not just play."


It was nearing Curfew, and she still hadn't gotten this week's rations of food. She checked the time. "Twenty-one thirty. That's just great. Thirty minutes left." She'd either have to deal with the chastisement of the Watchmen or go hungry until lunch time tomorrow.

She decided to go to her new home, and not deal with the government for today.

Her flat was just like any other. Two rooms, one bathroom, one kitchen, one television room for watching Father and Mr. Bradley's speeches, and a walkway. Since there was no room for her to put her father's old collection of books made centuries ago, she kept them safe in her room.

Most of the books had been destroyed during the Purge of 2035, and Father didn't allow them. However her father was in the Free Market, and often came home with these paper books.

He would tell her she couldn't tell anyone he had these, and it was secret between them. That was one secret she was willing to keep. Just that one. And the fact that for five months she had watched a grown man play with sperm for hours on end.

But that's besides the point. She loved the books and her father too much to give them away. She liked feeling the dry paper on her fingers. The weight of the book in her hands, the sound of pages turning, and the choppy feel of blocks of pages against the pad of her thumb as she played the book while she read. It all just intruged her. And after a long day of blinding light and technology, it felt great to just unplug from it all and read without the blinding backlight.

That's why she kept the ten, five foot stacks of books in her room. That's why she risked being caught. Such a simple and idiotic reason, but a reason none the less.

After taking a shower, she looked at herself in the mirror. It was hard without he glasses, but she could see herself clearly through memories. The first thing she saw was her brown skin. It was light, caramel brown skin, but still brown under the eyes of the Elders.

Three things that set her back: Her womanhood; her brown skin; her glasses. When she put on her glasses, her dark brown eyes made her look bug-eyed in a way that was almost cartoonish, however that was set off by her full face and curvy body.

She sighed and walked to her room, getting dressed in her set of pajamas and ready to watch Mr. Bradley on the television.

"Today marks a day that went down in history as the start of World War Three," Mr. Bradley spoke into the camera set in front of him. A man short in stature, with a gotee and a full head of black hair, he was said to be the face of Kitan, and the voice of the world.

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