More goodbyes and some delicious pasta

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I wake up feeling sorry for yelling at Harry. I mean it wasn't really his fault. I change for school and go down stairs for breakfast. The boys are already down there eating. I make myself a bowl of cereal and sit at the counter away from the boys, who are at the table. I finish eating and grab my backpack and head out front to get Cameron to drive to school.

The door opens and closes behind me and Harry calls my name. "Annie! Wait!"

"Yes Harry?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for the dog to-"

"Harry I really need to go to school."

"Please just listen."

"I'm sorry I need to go!"

He lets go of my arm and I get in the car that Cams already in. "What was that about?" He asks.

"Nothing just forget about it."

"Okay." He plugs in his iPod and turns up the music.

"Sleeping with Sirens? Really?"

"What? you like them too."

When we get to school we both go to our lockers and meet back at the table we meet at before classes. School goes by really fast. At the end of the day I go to my locker to get the books I need for the weekend. "Hi Annie."

"Oh hey Ryan."

"Wanna go get some lunch?"

"Sure." I finish getting my books and follow Ryan to my car. I throw my bag into the bag and drive to Freddy's. A bunch of kids from school are here.

"Ready to go?" He asks finishing.

"Yeah. Do you want to come over to work on our project for science?"

"Yeah I'll call Eric."


We drive home and it's empty. "I'm home! Liam! Niall! Zayn! Harry! Lou!"

"They're not home!" Ryan yells from the fridge. I go to the counter to empty my bag to find a note: 'Out looking for Grady. ' "Who's Grady?" Ryan asks reading over my shoulder.

"My dog. Harry and Louis lost him."

"Oh. Eric will be here in ten minutes."

"Okay we can start I guess."

"I found your laptop." He says opening the oven.

"Are you serious?"

"Why is your laptop in the oven?"

"Louis hid it so I wouldn't use it."

"He needs help."


Eric walk in and throws his bag onto the couch. "Hey guys."



"How did you get in?"

"The door was unlocked."

"The doorbell works." Harry, Louis, Niall, Liam, and Zayn walk in. "Guys there's this new thing called a doorbell you should try it some time."

"Sorry." Liam says. I point to the door and they all walk out including Eric. They ring the doorbell.

"I'll get it!" I walk over and open it.

"Was that so hard?"

"Just let us in."

"Jeez Zayn."

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