"Sorry." Harry says sweeping the floor with his foot.

"It's okay." I say hugging him.

"What about your leg?"

"Are you checking her out Zayn?!" Harry says.

"N- No. No!"

"From p.e."


"I don't know."


"Yeah I'm going to take a nap someone wake me up at seven."

"K." I lay down on the couch and kick off my shoes and fall asleep.

I sleep until someone sits on me. "Time to wake up!" Zayn yells.

"Get your fat a-"

"Better end in apple."

"Get your fat apple off me."

"Just get up your movie starts in an hour."

"Fine." I get up and brush my hair out and put my shoes on. I grab food off the table and go to the garage. I pick up Tylor and we both go to the movie.

"I hope this movies good." Tylor says,

"he never picks good movies."

"I know." It turns out the movie was pretty good. By the time we get out of the theatre it's pitch black. "Tylor!" "What!?"

"Can you call Louis and tell him to come pick us up?"


"I can't drive at night."

"Okay." She calls him and within minutes Louis here.

"Can you drive us home?"


We drop Tylor off at her house then go home. "Why did you have me drive home?"

"I have no sense of direction at night."

"But you only need to go in one direction!"

I burst into fits of laughter. "Nice."


We walk in the front door and I'm hit in the stomach with a shoe. "Ow! What the hell Harry?!"

"That was meant for Louis."


"We were having a shoe fight?"

I pick up the shoe and throw it at him but kinda bad. It hits him in the crotch. He falls down on the ground and holds himself. "Sorry!" Louis tries to hide his laughter. "Where's the others?"


"Cool." Harry gets up weakly.


"That hurt." He says in a high pitched voice. I try to hide my laughter.

"Shut up!"

"Okay. Okay. Sorry."

"How was the movie?"

"It was okay."

"Did you have fun?"





"Where's Grady?" Harry and Louis look at each other. "Guys?"

"Um. Well."

"Just tell me where he is." I say firmly.

"Erm. He. Louis?"

"Guys I'm serious."

"Okay so me and Harry were answering the door and Grady ran out and. Well."

"He ran out and we tried looking for him but we couldn't find him."

"We looked everywhere." I look down at the floor. "I'm sorry."

"We can look again tomorrow."

"Do the others know?" I ask quietly.

"Yeah. That's why they went to bed, they didn't want to tell you."

"We really are sorry."

"It fine I guess. You didn't mean it. And you tried looking for him." I keep staring at the ground. Harry walks to me and holds my chin. He lifts it up so I'm looking up at him. "I'm going to bed." I say turning away from him.


"I'm going to bed." I repeat.


"Harry would you stop it already!"

"I said I'm sorry."

"Yeah like you really meant it!"

"I did mean it."

"Annie calm down please." Louis says. "I'm going to bed. Now goodnight."


"Night Annie." I walk up the stairs and into my room. I change into pajamas and fall asleep.

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