Chapter 27

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Naruto jumping from branch to branch to follow Sasuke, who escape "Sasuke... What the hell did they do to you?"

After Jumping a while he see two big statue and a waterfall between them

"I saw this in a textbook back in the academy... The Valley of End..."

Flashback (Naruto 10 years old)

"Damn this is so boring!" Naruto thought to himselfas he sort some books in the libery

"It's your fault! If you hadn't do the stupid pranks, you wouldn't be here " Iruka scolded him

"It's their fault, that the village is so boring" Naruto replied "I just make some life in the village"

"But you shouldn't K. O. them with you stupid Jutsu" Iruka sighed

"Tss, it's not my fault that they pervert" Naruto said, while suddenly found an interesting book with the titel "The Valley of end"

Naruto read the first page:

The Valley of the End ( Shūmatsu no Tan) is on the border of the Land of Fire and the Land of Sound. It was somehow created following the foundation of Konoha, when Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha fought for control of the village. The Nine-Tailed Fox was present for part of the battle under Madara's control. Hashirama was victorious, and Madara was believed to have died. In memory of their battle, two giant statues were built on opposite sides of the waterfall, Madara on the left (the Land of Sound side) and Hashirama on the right (the Land of Fire's side).

"Naruto!! What the hell you doing! Back to work!!" Iruka yell at him

Naruto quickly close the book "Yes, Yes Iruka-sensei"

Flashback end

'So this is also The Valley of end...'Naruto thought

Naruto notice Sasuke standing on Madara Uchiha statue, Naruto quckly jumping on the first Hokage statue "You finally stop, Sasuke?"

Sasuke than slowly turn around to face Naruto, as he finally stand to Naruto face to face, Naruto widen his eyes es he seeing Sasuke left eyes

'The same eyes as this guy...' Naruto thought

"Hey... Dumbass" Sasuke said "So it's you this time...?"

Naruto than remember that Sakura tried to stop him

"I already told Sakura this.... Don't bother me anymore" Sasuke glare

Naruto look in silent at him

Sasuke laughing like Orochimaru "Why so quiet?"

"Why... Why from all people, you going to Orochimaru...?" Naruto finally said something

"It's none of you business" Sasuke said

Naruto twitch, this was the third time, somone said that line

"What does any of this have to do with you? I have my own path! I won't let anyone lead me any other way... no matter who it is! Let make this me clear to you... My childish games with you leafs are over! Go home"

"Sorry I can't... I made a promise that I bring you back no matter what" Naruto said

"Tss let me guess, you made a promise with Sakura right?"

Naruto nod

Sasuke laughing "I knew it, you would do anything for this women!"

"Not really... I'm not doing this for her... I do it for all the people who are with me in this mission, they risk their life for you"

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