Chapter 10

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After the incident of Rock Lee, Team 7 going to the register room and afterwards to the room 301, who their Exam taking place. On the way they meet their Sensei in front of the exam room

"Oh.... So Sakura came too...Now we can properly take the Exam" Kakashi said

"What do you mean, Kakashi sensei?" Sakura ask

"The truth is that this test can only be taken by teams of three...." Kakashi reply

"So... you lying to us, that the test was an individual choice?" Naruto ask

"Well.... If I told the truth, Naruto or Sasuke would have pressured you, Sakura, to take the Exam. Even if you didn't want to, if Sasuke asked you.... You would, even throught it wasn't in your heart. For the sake of Sasuke....and... well Naruto too...." Kakashi said

"So if only Sasuke-kun and Naruto had shown up, what will happen?" Sakura ask

"Well... The Exam would have ended here, they would not get to go any further....but you came of your own will, you guys are my proud team, So... Now go!!" Kakashi smile at his pupil

"Yeah....Let's go!!" Naruto smile as he open the door, as they going in, their eyes widen how many people taken this exam

'Wow......They are all taking the exam?' Naruto thought as he looking to the right than to the left

"SASUKE-KUN!!!! YOU'RE LATE!!" Suddenly a girl with blond hair scream, and hugging Sasuke

"Get away from Sasuke-kun!!! Ino-pig" Sakura yell angry

"Oh... Big ugly forehead" Ino said boring

"What did you say??" Sakura ask angry

"You guys are taking this stupid test too? Then don't die....." Said suddenly a guy with fat guy besides him

"Oh... Shikamaru and Chouji, nice to see you here" Naruto said with a grin

"YAHOO!! Found you" Another boy come with a dog on his head with a shy blue hair girl and a mystery guy

"Well Well, Everyone is assembled" The Dogboy said

"Oh... Hello Kiba, Shino and Hinata" Naruto said

"Geez... you guys too?" Shikamaru said in a boring tone

"I see... All of this year's rookie genin are taking the exam, I wonder how far we get... eh Sasuke-kun?" Kiba said

"Pft... You seem confident, Kiba...." Sasuke smirk

"We did a lot of training, we won't lose to you" Kiba reply

"Well then I'am anxious how far you will get...." Naruto said with a smirk

"Haa.... further than you Dope" Kiba smirk

"Sorry.... Naruto.... Kiba-kun didn't mean it in that way...." Hinata said nervous

"Hey you guys... Yous should be more quiet...." Suddenly a guy with glasses walk to them

"You guys are Rookies just out of the academy right? Screaming like school girls....geez....This isn't a picnic...." The boy said

"Who do you think you are?" Ino ask

"I'm Kabuto.... But instead of that, look behind you..." Kabuto said as he pointet the glares at their direction

"Those guys behind you are from the hidden rain, they have short tempers....Everyone is nervous about the exam, quiet down before you cause a scene....Well, I can't blame're clueless rookies... you remind me of how I used to be" Kabut said

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