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Barney walked home full of regret and eventually threw up on a hobo on his way there. "lol my b fam," he said laughing at the hobo.

the hobo was like yo wtf and then stood up. "Fite me m8" yelled Barney as the old hobo stood up on his feel and began to punch shrek and kick his stomach. Barney groand in pain and was like "FUCK!!1!1!"

Shrek stood up when the hobo left and began to walk over to McDonald's. "Lit" he whispered to himself. He walked in and ordered a 20 piece nugget until he cried at the thought bc that was Barenys fave.

fucking rip

Shrek ate the food anyways (ha me) and sat outside. pedestrians laughed and pointed at the green shit ogre and he felt insecure. He eventually made his way to the drug deal place and bought some damn cocaine wtf and snorted that shit down.

high as a muh fuckin kite he got a tattoo of the words "no regerts" above his butt crack. "Best tramp stamp ever brah" said the tattoo man. "Thanks fam" said shrek in excitement lol.

shrek feeling regretful again cried again bc his tattoo was a lie. he realized he fucked up once more in gettin it. so then he went to Barenys.

"PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!" he yelled as he banged on the locked door. no answer.

he sat on the ground and cried. I fucked up he thought to himself. "Boohoo" lol meme loving fuck.

"I'll look at my other only happiness." he looked at the picture of his wife on his flip phone and then scrolled away" lol fuck that man" and then scrolled to a picture of his own dick. "Yo .00000000009 inch ur cool" this was cool for him. he promised donkey he wouldn't jack off in public anymore so he looked at his own dick pic and imagined the feeling.

he moaned hella loud at the thought and was like well shiiiii I don't have anymore dildos now that donkeys wife burned them with her damn fire ass breathe. he decided to buy another one.

"off to the store I go" he thought to himself.
he walked out of the apartment hall and began his quest to buy another green thick ass dildo lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2016 ⏰

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