Two slices of pizza wasn't exactly satisfying. I disposed of the empty box and took out ingredients to make a cheese and ham omelette. 

From the corner of my eye, as I poured the mixture into the pan, I watched Michael walk in from living room. In his pyjama bottoms. 

"Ready for bed?" I glanced at him.

"I know this wasn't how we wanted the night to go."

"No, it wasn't." 

"Would you rather I'd have waited to tell the rest of them tomorrow?"

I didn't answer because honestly I didn't know. As selfish as it sounded I did just want this one night to love Michael; to lie with him and just talk. But something, something, had to happen. Because it's just my friggin' luck.

His thumb came out of nowhere and pulled my bottom lips from between my teeth. "You're thinking pretty hard."

I turned the omelette over and sighed. "Yes, I am."

He didn't utter a single word after that not even as I served the omelette and sat at the island to eat it. He just watched me. After locking up downstairs at one-thirty in the morning, I showered, brushed my teeth and shrugged on one of my long t-shirts.

My reflection in the mirror startled me slightly. I looked tired. I had slight bags under my blue eyes from lack of sleep. 

I heard the creak of the bathroom door but I didn't turn. Michael stepped behind me and his jaw visibly clenched.

"We could leave," He murmured moving the hair away from my neck. "Get on a plane and disappear."

"That'd be running away from the problem and it wouldn't help anyone but us. We'd be leaving everyone." I caught his eyes in the mirror. "I couldn't do that to them."

His pressed his cheek against the side of my head. "I'd do anything for you."

I leaned backwards into his chest. "I know."

"Say the word and I'll take you away from all of this."

I turned around and lay my hands on his bare shoulders. "I'm not ready to cry wolf yet."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. Let's go to bed."

Getting Michael to settle into bed was slightly more difficult than I'd thought. He asked me whether I was still hungry or thirsty, gone downstairs to get me a glass of water, gone back downstairs to turn home security on and then finally allowed me to push him onto the mattress. 

"Sleep now, okay?" I smirked as I settled my arms over his naked chest and rested my head on top of my arms. "You can stop worrying about me I'm fine."

"Well, you didn't get to eat your favourite pizza."

"I had two slices."

His mouth curved up into his first smile since the rest of them had left. "And I watched Nick eat the rest."

My eyes darted from his lips to his eyes before copying his smile. "I'm surprised he even finished it."

"He was keeping himself busy whilst we all talked."

"He doesn't talk much himself does he?"

"He never did, really. For all we know he might talk Pamela's ear off when they're alone."

I pressed my lips against his breast bone and trailed it to the other side where his heart quietly beat beneath my palm. "I wouldn't be surprised." His sigh as I continued to feather kisses along to his neck. Half of my body lay over him as I faced him. I pecked his lips and said, "We should be getting to sleep. We both have class in the morning."

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