The haunting question

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   "Are you okay", the question that haunted her. She could lie like always and say no or can tell the truth, that she hates herself, her actions, her words, her everything. She is always sad but she just smiles and acts like it is okay, but nothing is. Her thoughts are slowly killing her from the inside out. She want to explain it but she cant, and probaly wont. No one will understand her the way here demons do, the ones who hurt her. She is so confused, sad, and just done with it all. She hopes to run away soon. To be away from this monsters who lives in her head. She does not understand. If there was a god why would he harm her this way? She was told god is there for you, so be faithful. How do they expect for you to be faithful, when you think god is against you and your every breath? Why was this tearing her apart? She felt unwanted and unloved, but she knew people loved her. She was confused what to do with her life, she wanted to be a photographer to show the world the bright sides of the dark places, like she had been trying to do herself. She was so confused. She had been in a dark place mostly her whole life, she never understood anything like: life, god, why does god hurt people with sicknessess, depression, and words from other people. If god loved her so much why had he killed her happy side? Why,she wondered every day. 

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