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You laughed as you watched Matt juggling the tiny marbles trying to impress your beautiful best friend. He was talking and juggling at the same time and every time he looked up to see if she was watching, he lost control of the marbles and one would slip from his grasp and clatter to the floor. You didn't try to hide your laugh.

Over the years you had come to believe you were pretty much invisible to hot guys. You could be seen clearly by every hot guy's best friend or underage sibling. But hot guys looked over you like you were wearing camouflage clothing in the woods. Apparently, your face, body and smile were so insignificant that no attractive guys ever paid any attention to you. One advantage? You were free to look and laugh and enjoy the view and you knew you would be safe.

Matt's eyes sparkled as he smiled and talked and your heart ached a little because you knew she was already taken. You didn't like her new boyfriend much, but so far he had been good to her so you kept your feelings to yourself. As usual. Your own eyes sparkled as you looked at Matt.

"Oh, baby." You whispered too quietly for anyone to hear. "What I wouldn't give to spend just an hour alone with you." You giggled.

He was exactly the type of guy you wanted to be with. You knew him very well from seeing him around town. He was older than you by about four years, but even with his graying hair, he was youthful and fun and crazy. Completely the opposite of you. But like they say; 'opposites attract', right? It didn't hurt that his shoulders and arms were so built up with muscle that you had a hard time keeping your eyes off of them. The sleeves of his t-shirt had been cut off and slit down the sides almost to his waist. As he bounced the marbles in his hands you occasionally caught a glimpse of his tight chest and stomach through the open sides.

"Oh, baby, you're killing me..." Groaning as you pushed down the sudden flash of heat, you turned back to your travel magazine and cup of tea. A few more minutes and a few more dropped marbles and your friend finally told Matt she had things to do. You never even turned around to watch because you really didn't need to see the look of disappointment on his face as your friend flashed her pretty smile and walked away from him.

"I've got to run." Your friend placed her hand on your shoulder and you glanced down at her perfectly manicured nails. You folded your chewed off nails under the edge of your magazine and let her give you a quick hug. "Will I see you tonight?" She asked excitedly.

"I wouldn't miss it for anything!" You replied with a grin. It was Thursday night and that meant girl's night for the two of you. Hot pizza and cold margaritas made for a lot of burping and giggling and it was the highlight of your week.

As she floated out of the café, her cute little behind swaying in her tight jeans, you adjusted your bottom on the stool and hoped there wasn't too much hanging over the side.

"Hey!" The male voice boomed from right behind you.

Twisting around on your stool, your eyes widened as you found yourself looking directly into the bluest eyes you had ever seen.

"Hey." You replied with a little croak and the heat rushed to your face again as Matt grinned back at you.

The look on his face was open and curious and with a slamming of your heart you realized he didn't just accidently walk up to you, he wanted to talk specifically to you! You weren't invisible to hot guys after all! Your heart pounded in your chest and you tried to slow your breathing so he wouldn't think you were hyperventilating or anything. You smiled as Matt took a step closer and reached out to lay a hand on the counter beside you. With his arm outstretched, his bulging muscles were just inches away from your face. Your mouth was so dry you were afraid you wouldn't be able to say anything else, and your mind raced for something cute and funny to say. But Matt's next words shut you down like a slamming door.

"One of my marbles rolled under your stool and I didn't want to just crawl under you to get it." He looked a little embarrassed and you felt the muscles of your face twitch as you tried to keep your smile from slipping as the humiliating moment dragged on.

"Oh, right." You managed to whisper as you slid off the stool and scurried out of his way.

Watching as Matt bent down to scoop up the runaway marble, you closed your eyes for a second as the hurt stabbed into your chest. For ten whole seconds you had felt pretty and desirable and it had felt so good. He was so good-looking that he had never known the pain of being looked over in a crowd. You knew you weren't ugly; it was just that all the other girls seemed to be so pretty and self-assured. With all they had going for them, it made you seem to just fade backwards into the distance. As Matt stood up, marble in hand, the back of his head connected solidly with the underside of the counter.

"Dang it!" He yelled and grabbed for his head.

"Oh, baby. I'm so sorry!" You instinctively reached out and placed a gentle hand on his head and the softness of his hair almost made you gasp. And then you did gasp as Matt pulled his head back to look at you. Oh no! You called him baby! Your heart stopped cold for a second as you saw Matt register what you just said. If there was a way you could truly be invisible, that moment would be it. You took a deep breath and prepared to deliver the longest, loudest apology you could come up with. But then you saw the look on Matt's face change.

"I like the way you said that." He leaned close and for a second you thought he might kiss you but you realized with a jolt that he was sniffing you!
"Huh?" It was the only thing you could think of to say and you were torn between asking what he meant by what he said and asking why he was smelling you. You dropped your head for a second to take a whiff of your cologne wafting up from your cleavage. It did smell kinda nice.

"When you called me, 'baby'. That was cool." Now it was Matt's turn to get a little embarrassed and he rubbed at the sore spot on his head and looked away for a second.
"My name is Matt." He finally said as he lifted his head and stuck out his hand.
"It's nice to meet you, Matt." You said with much more confidence than you felt.

"I don't mean to weird you out or anything. HAHA!" His laugh bubbled out of him. "But you smell really nice."
"Thanks, Matt." You wanted to tell him he smelled nice too, but he honestly didn't. As if reading your mind, he grinned and backed up a step.
"I know I stink right now. I was at the dump with my friend looking for scrap metal earlier."

Matt glanced back up and caught you with a huge smile on your face.
"Wow. You've got a pretty smile." He exclaimed.
That took you completely by surprise. You had forgotten that this hot guy could really see you. And you shook your head in disbelief that he said your smile was pretty. For a split second you almost turned on your heel and ran away. You felt so vulnerable and exposed. Your face was getting hot and you were afraid you were going to say something stupid, but once again Matt's words shut your fears down like a slamming door.

"I would love to take you out tonight." He asked, staring right into your eyes.

Your mouth opened to scream "Yes!" before you remembered that you had promised to show up for girls night with your best friend that night. But seriously, you were sure she would understand if you canceled. It was a date with a hot guy who juggled and had a crazy laugh. What more could you ask for and how could you say no? But it was so sudden and you knew you needed a little more time to get ready for the date, so you took the biggest gamble of your life.

"I have plans tonight with a friend," You began and were startled to see the look of disappointment on Matt's face. You couldn't believe what was happening. He was really disappointed and you saw him try to smile but he was so hurt. Your heart nearly leapt out of your chest with fear but you heard yourself quickly say,
"But I'm free tomorrow night if that works for you."

Did Matt's face really break out in the biggest grin you ever saw? Yes.

Did you really get more excited than you have ever been in your life? Yes.

Did your date with Matt go really, really well?
"Oh, baby, yes!"

Matt Brown: Collection of Short Alaskan Bush People Fan FicsWhere stories live. Discover now