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​That was fast.
​The doors slide open, and we walk out into the open. It takes me a second to come to my senses, as the view alone caused me to get a bit discombobulated. Everything looks exactly as it did on Earth A, just mirrored. Things normally on the left are on the right, making path finding, in my case, much more difficult. I do not even know how to traverse the town back home!
​As I walk out into the open street, a middle-aged man in a business suit greets me.
​"Hello, might you be Desparsus?" the man asks me, while butchering my name, pronouncing the "e" as "ee".
​"Yes, that's me," I respond. I do not want to ask the reason as to why my name is so important, so I will be as vague as possible.
​"Follow me," as the man says this, he turns around sharply and begins walking strait into a crowd of people.
​Desperately, I try to keep my head above the sea of men and women in order to keep my eye on the stranger. Eventually, I pop out of the current and into an open street with a limo parked on the curb. The man I saw earlier is standing there holding one of the doors open. I am guessing it is for me, so I hop in.
​What am I doing? I have no idea what is going on, and completely strayed from what I wanted to accomplish. Now, without any further explanation, I am sitting in the first limousine I have ever seen in my life. I wonder if my parents know about this, and if they did, why haven't they told me?
​The car starts up and begins moving. I notice the rows of wine glasses and other expensive, crystal-looking items hanging and shelved throughout the vehicle. My eyes trace the lights lining the edges of the ceiling until I make it to the end of the compartment, then my eyes freeze.
​What exactly is this feeling? Is it fear? Is it dread? Whatever it is, it is now being pumped through my veins, absorbing my heart, making me unable to move. A drop of sweat trickles down the side of my cheek.
​There, on the other side of the vehicle, sits myself. No, not myself, my alternate. He is looking at the ground with a blank stare, with both hands placed on either of his legs. He looks almost like a robot without any power, waiting for it to be turned on. All life in the motionless corpse seems to have been sucked out of it.
​Should I talk to that thing? Should I engage in a conversation with a trabbie? Just because it is my alternate doesn't mean it has any value unlike the other worthless trabbies; I need to keep that in mind.
​Then again, talking to it may help me find out why that thing is now so different than I am.
​It is just a thing, not a person.
​It is just a thing, not a person.
​"Hey, umm, you are me, right?" I ask it.
​An inaudible sound comes from its mouth.
​"Sorry, I... I didn't quite catch that."
​It lifts its face to look at me. Down the sides of it are red streaks, matched with blood-shot eyes. A sense of humanity is radiating off the thing's face, and being absorbed by my body. I can tell that whatever happened to this thing... this person, is devastating them. He is glaring into my eyes, but instead of the torture he is feeling, his eyes are delivering a different emotion.
​Hatred, pure anger, and evil; the kind of feeling you get when you hate someone so much you want to bash their skull against cement, cracking and splitting it into a million pieces.
​What did I do that is so bad?
​His mouth is now moving, but no words are escaping. The same phrase is being repeated over and over again, with more force and anger put into it each time.
​"You," a word comes out if him.
​I point to myself interrogatorily.
​"You did this"
​"I don't recall doing anything..."
​"Your people killed them for no reason!"
​"What? Killed who?"
​"You know exactly who, you BASTARD!" he jumps up from his seat and grabs a glass.
​Defensively, I dodge his attack, letting him smash the glass against the cup holder behind my seat. He quickly calms down and curls up onto the floor, still with the stem of the glass in his grasp. As he slumps over into a seemingly lifeless corpse, the stem drops and rolls away from him.
​He begins whimpering, letting tears flood out of his eyes profusely. Is this really what I look like to other people? What force on this planet could reduce me to such a devastated state?
​"What happened?" I ask him, assuming he won't try to assault me again.
​"Your people are horrible, absolutely horrible. You all treat us as if we are objects taking up space."
​"My people... are you referring to Earth A?"
​He nods his head softly, "You all do not take into consideration how hard it is to live like this, and show absolutely no empathy."
​"I... I'm sorry," I apologize quietly. I am not even sure he heard me say that, but it doesn't matter. What matters is how I am beginning to understand the whole situation. Trabbies... no... these people are living their lives along side with us. At least, they are trying to live their lives along side us, but we keep criticizing them for absolutely no reason. "I understand."
​"Do you?"
​"Yes, but just because I understand doesn't mean everyone else on Earth A does."
​"That's the problem," he adds, "and it would be better if they had a taste of their own medicine."
​"You know that isn't going to change anything just as much as I do. Now, I am still a bit lost. What exactly happened?"
​"An anti-beta terrorist group detonated the work building that my mom works at. It just so happened," his words begin drowning in tears, "that my father... happened to be at the same building at the time."
​His parents... my parents; It makes sense now. The only human relationship I ever had was with my parents. I have never had any siblings, so I have always relied on them for everything. They keep me going. Without them, I am nothing but a lifeless zombie roaming the earths.
​Did he say that? Wait, no, I am sure that came from my mouth.
​"They need to suffer and die, to feel the pain we feel now," this time I am certain I am saying it. These are my true feelings.
​He asks, "What about what you were saying earlier, about revenge not changing anything-"
​"It doesn't matter anymore. If someone is going to do something that horrible, then they need to feel the pain they caused."
​"They aren't even your parents, why do you care so much about them?"
​"The truth is, they are my parents, just as much as you are the same as me. I hope you can understand that."
​"Well, yes, but isn't this going a bit too far? Plus, we don't even know who did it!"
​"I know exactly who would do something like this. The one man who can turn an entire world against another."
​"I can't recall anyone like that," he scratches his head trying to pull out memories and information. Giving up, "Who is it?"

​"Hadrian Ω."

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