The School *Unedited*

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I'm screwed.

Wonder why?

Well for starters, my school is the only school in Georgia. There are too many kids enrolled here for me to count. I'm not sure the school even counts. I would have given up if I was them.

So, we've established that my school is the only school for miles. Got it? Well, you'll never believe this. I managed to get myself expelled.

You're probably wondering why there's only one school. Trust me, I've wondered the same thing, too. It doesn't seem very practical.

200 years ago, US officials signed a bill saying that each of the 40 states would have one school so that the kids could be accounted for and all. That's the short version that pretty much every loser knows.

Now, you're probably like," What the heck? Doesn't she know there's 50 states?" Well, guess what. Not anymore. 10 states rebelled against the government. Which probably wasn't the smartest plan, let me add. The other 40 states easily crushed them. Now, there are 40 slightly larger states. Simple, right?

It's 2463. The world is getting crowded. There are floating buildings and underwater colonies. We're running out of space on Earth.

Alright. That's enough with the history lesson for now.

So, I'm not the first person to get expelled from my school. There have been several people in the past years, actually.

My problem is that I have no clue what I've done. Really, I have no idea. I've seen people break the rules, but they never were expelled. Sure, I'm not a straight A student, but I get good enough grades. I'm not a goodie-goodie, but I'm not some druggie who only goes to school a couple days in a week.

My parents weren't too happy about my getting expelled. But, then again, who would be? We'll have to move. Schools aren't kind to expelled kids. You're an oddity. Weird. Yeah, we haven't had many.

The weird thing is that there's some expelled kids don't have records of going back into the school system. They vanish. Their family lives their lives like nothing has happened.

I don't get it. Is there something people don't want us to know?

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