Chapter Thirteen

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"Yeah, I never had to learn anyway."

"You never thought it would be, I don't know, fun?"

I shook my head. "It never bothered me."

He stood up, grabbing my hand so I had no choice but to follow him up, ignoring the itching feeling his skin left against mine.

"I am teaching you how to ride a bike."

"Now?" I asked.

"Yes, come on."

"We're shirtless!"

"So?" He laughed. "It'll be fun."

I shook my head, but allowed him to drag me to a shed by the garden.

We walked in, and I helped him wheel a vintage bike out, while he pulled another one out. They were both of the same model, but while his was a washed out yellow, mine was a pastel blue.

We dragged our bikes out the gate and down a small distance in the road.

Fin abandoned his bike by the sidewalk and walked over to me, where he held on to my bike by the handles.

"Get on," he said.

I did, swinging my legs on both sides of the seat, gripping the handles tightly.

He withdrew, taking a step back. "Okay, just remember to relax. This is all about balance, make sure you're sitting straight up and you're not leaning on one side more than the other. Now place one foot on the pedal."

I did, trying not to tighten my grip on the bike too much.

He held on the handles gently, "Now the other."

I did, wobbling slightly.

He let go of the handles and said, "Now pedal."

I tried, moving my legs in the same motion I'd seen others use, but in a panic, I slammed my feet against the road again before I got anywhere.

"Are you scared?" he asked. "You don't have to be. I'll be able to stop you from crashing, don't worry."

Abashed, I argued, "I'm not scared. This is my first time."

"I know, and it's okay if you struggle. Try again."

I did, and managed to move a little farther, before I felt myself leaning towards the left, and I quickly made a stop.

"The seat isn't comfortable," I stated.

Fin smiled. "You get used to it. Come on, you were close, try again."

I tried a few more times until I finally got the hang of it and managed to travel a decent distance without wavering.

"You're a fast learner," Fin said with a grin.

Somehow, the words made me flush, and I saw his expression turn to one of shock but he didn't say anything.

Neither of us spoke, and it only made me blush harder.

What were the things he could teach me?

I was sure he was an expert in many areas.

I shivered, remembering that I was only in a pair of wet swimming shorts.

Fin grabbed his bike and peddled toward me. Together, we cycled our way down the street, zipping past a few houses, leaving a few people aghast as soon as they saw us.

"Let's race back."

Fin liked races, I took note.

We turned our bikes around and we quickly peddled back, and I ignored the burning feeling in my muscles as I zoomed past Fin, giving him a glance back.

Then He Smiled [BoyxBoy]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat