His voice was husky and thick with sleep as it sent a shiver down her spin, "good morning."

"Why are you up so early?" He asked as he laced their fingers together before placing their hands on his chest whilst he looked at her though half closed eyes and a smouldering expression.

"Because it's Christmas." She didn't attempt to hide the squeal that escaped her mouth as she pushed herself up, grabbing the covers around herself so that she wasn't on show to Samuel.

"Why don't we stay up her for a little while longer?" A cheeky grin made it way on his face as he tugged at the covers she was holding against her chest. She felt her cheeks burn a light pink as she gently slapped his hand away and scooted her way over to the edge of the bed, taking all the covers with her.

Ever since the first time that they had made love Samuel seemed to be more possessive but that didn't stop her from being sweet and caring whilst offer his arms to her at all times. She had fallen for her werewolf harder than she thought humanly possible but she wasn't human and neither was Samuel. Their love went deeper than the normal human love; they were soul mates, specifically chosen by the moon goddess herself for one another. Alena knew that Samuel loved her that he loved her with every cell in his body, with his entire being and he had proved it to her on a number of occasions. She still couldn't believe that Samuel was hers but she had accepted it and every day Samuel told her more than once that he loved her, proving to her that he was hers.

"We have to be down in the living room with the rest of the pack by ten and it's already nine." She told him sternly as she gathered the covers around her a tucked it under her arms.

"We won't be too long." He had spoken in a low, husky voice knowing that it would spike fire within her stomach as she shuddered. She looked over her shoulder to see that he was reaching out to her with a seductive smile on his face whilst he made no efforts to hide his naked body from her view. She could understand why Samuel was proud of his bode, her was tall, he had broad shoulders, he was muscly and he was beautiful.

"We have to get ready." She told him as she stood up and pulled the end of the covers out of reach from his searching hand that now clutched the bed sheets instead.

"Is that an order Luna?" He asked with a raised eyebrow as she made her way to the bathroom.

"Now." She ordered him, she had tried to sound stern but the giggle that escaped her lips gave her away as she slipped into the bathroom and turned the shower on before dropping the covers and stepping in as the glass window began to fog.

She jumped when she felt arms wrapped around her waist pulling her against as muscular chest as a purring sound could be heard. She relaxed her tense form as she felt tingles erupt all over her skin as Samuel turned her around so that she was facing him, the water hitting the back of his head as it dripped onto them both.

"What did I say?" She asked with a raised eyebrow causing Samuel's lips to fall into a slight pout.

"Let me at least help you washed." He flashed a smile, his dimple on show knowing that she couldn't resist that smile. She sighed while closing her eyes and gently nodded causing Samuel to quickly press his rubbery lips to hers before he got to work.


Alena had stood in the shower as Samuel washed her head and body before she returned the favour. She was now stood in the middle of the closer she shared with Samuel who was fully dressed and waiting for her on the bed. She had allowed him to get changed first while she dried her hair and applied a small amount of make-up.

She quickly changed into a fresh pair on underwear before sliding on a jumper and a pair of dark skinny jeans. The jumper was an ugly Christmas one. It was a light blue with a huge Santa's face on the front. A grin slipped on her face as she pulled out her hair from where it had been tucked into the back.

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