soon enough, the class was over and everyone was rushing to get to lunch. the teacher had come back, but it was just when the bell rang. she shouted the homework at the students as they ran out, but, chances were, none of them would remember to do it.

tay silently followed jack to the lunch room, watching him talk animatedly to alex. he simply nodded and smiled. "a-and you should have seen it, alex!" he smiled brightly. "it was just mark hoppus' face everywhere."

"sweet," alex commented, pushing the door to the lunchroom open. tay thought the friendship they had was a it strange. at first glance, it seemed that alex was the friend to take hold. the friend that was bold and outgoing, while jack shied away and followed alex's every action. tay quickly learned that it wasn't like that at all. jack was very vulgar. he made dick jokes and talked a great amount about boobs and how great they were. and, tay could agree. boobs are great.

alex was more...polite. he held open the door for tay, letting jack continue to talk about the infamous bassist. he placed his hand on the small of tay's back, leading her along. "be careful of the people around you," he said. "people at this school get their popular for being rich." he sat next to jack, letting tay wherever at the table.

"yah," jack agreed, pulling out a textbook. "watch out for kellin quinn. that kid's got a nasty fucking personality."

"don't forget his bestie. she's even worse," alex added, bumping shoulders with jack. jack laughed loudly and opened the textbook. tay assumed he was doing late homework.

"what a fucking bitch," he commented quietly, ending the conversation. the three were consumed in a comfortable silence, leaving tay with nothing to do. she played with the hole in her jeans, twirling the loose strings that stuck out on the sides. what odd names, she thought. 'kellin quinn' and 'lynn gunn.' those had to be shortened names; they were ridiculous.

she chuckled softly to herself, pulling a string.

suddenly, someone latched onto tay's shoulder, making jack and alex visibly tense up. they both looked completely fed up. like, this asshole chose the wrong day to mess with them. tay turned around, ready to make a rude comment. she quickly shut her mouth due to the piercing blue eyes she was met with. the dude was attractive, tay'll give him that. he smiled widely, showing off his extremely white teeth. the sides of his head were shaved. the boy was quick to sit himself on the bench beside tay.


"i'm not here for you, shit head," the guy snapped at alex. alex sunk down in his chair and buried his face in his hands. jack pretended to be occupied with his textbook, obviously trying to avoid further anger from this dude. what was his problem? tay scooted away from him slightly.

"what brings you to sit with a couple of losers like these two?" he asked, wrapping his arm around tay and pulling her closer. having never been in a situation like this, tay simply shrugged and looked at alex for help. "well, you've gotta know, babe. otherwise, you wouldn't be sitting here."

"i don't know anyone else. they seemed nice," tay said slowly. she would have added something else, but she feared that this dude was easily angered. he laughed at what she had said, squeezing tay's shoulder.

"how about you sit with lynn and i?" he waved over a girl that looked like him, just more girly. she was wearing a black miniskirt and matching thigh highs. she simply glanced at him and rolled her eyes, staying in her seat.

"kellin, please-" alex started again.

"alex, please shut the fuck up. i'm not hurting you." he mocked and pulled a faux-smile, pulling tay up from the bench. he blew a kiss to jack and waved, practically dragging tay across the room.

"kellin!" both alex and jack shouted. he simply shooed them off as tay looked helplessly back at her new found buddies. jack slammed his textbook closed while alex crossed his ars over his chest. he had a sour expression on his face.

"tell me about yourself," kellin started. he pulled out a chair next to lynn, urging tay to sit there. she sighed and ran a hand through her hair. she tried to stall because this guy had a really annoying vibe. she just wanted to get to her next class. she peered over at lynn, who typed away on her phone. she wasn't even aware of what was going on around her.

kellin stared at tay expentantly. "um, i moved from-"

"awesome! wow, love it. what a great story," kellin cut in. he tapped lynn on the shoulder, earning a frustrated sigh. as if it would kill her to take her eyes off the screen for a minute. "lynn, take a picture of us."

"whatever," she mumbled snapping a picture. "i'll send it to you."

"thanks, babe!" he leaned down and pressed a kiss to lynn's cheek, but she was quick to push him off. "i can tell we're going to be great friends." kellin squeezed tay closer to him in a side-hug. tay let out a nervous laugh, patting his arm awkwardly. lynn looked up at that, taking in tay's appearance. she smirked, snapping a picture without tay even noticing.

"yeah," she mumbled, looking at the picture. "great friends."


fuckboy lynn?? yikes

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2016 ⏰

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