Stubborn Girl

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Chapter 04 - STUBBORN GIRL

Recap from Chapter 03

THUG 1: Hand over your money and no one gets hurt

They were surrounded by a group of about ten thugs. One of them grabbed Sakura and held a knife to her neck.

THUG 1: I said hand it over!

SANOSUKE: You jerks! I'm not letting you get away with this!

Sano starts fighting and while Sakura's captor is distracted she is able to overpower him with a swift kick to the face.

SAKURA: (smiling) Boy did you pick the wrong people to mess with!

Sakura and Sano easily took out all of the thugs. Well, all except for the one who managed to escape unnoticed. The one who escaped made it back to the hideout to report on what he saw. He told the leader that he saw a girl who was wearing the crest of the Tendo School. The leader looked very interested indeed…


Back at the fight…

SANOSUKE: (with one foot on the guy's neck) Tell me, who are you working for.

THUG 2: Why should we tell you anything!

Sanosuke smiles and plunges his heal into the guy's neck.

THUG 2: (gasping for air) Ok, ok I'll talk… We were all hired by Koyama Daisuke to cause chaos in the city. He uses the money we steal to buy more fighters.

SAKURA: Why? Why does he want to cause so much chaos?

THUG 2: He wants to show how weak the Meiji government really is. While their forces are busy trying to keep peace in the streets he plans to take his strongest men and overthrow the government.

Sano and Sakura stare at each other with wide eyes.

SANOSUKE: (to Sakura) We have to tell Kenshin right away!

Sanosuke and Sakura run back to the dojo as fast as they can manage. Sakura has forgotten all about wanting to flee. It seems the talk with Sano has done her some good. Now there are other things at hand. She has a purpose here. Both Sakura and Sano have forgotten that Sakura isn’t completely healed and shouldn’t be pushing herself. The only thing on both of their minds is getting to Kenshin and stopping this madman. As they arrive at the dojo they immediately spot Kenshin and call out to him in unison.


SANOSUKE: Kenshin, we were ambushed a few minutes ago just outside of town by a gang of thugs.

Kenshin looks them both over and neither seems to have a scratch on them.

SANOSUKE: Once we finished the fight we got those thugs to tell us what was really going on. They told us that a group of fighters is being hired to cause chaos in town while the leader’s main goal is to overthrow the government.

SAKURA: We have to stop them Kenshin, a lot of innocent people are going to get hurt!

KENSHIN: I agree. Do you know where their hideout is?

SANOSUKE: No, but the guys who attacked us should be in custody by now.

KENSHIN: I'll go talk to the police chief.

SANOSUKE: I'm coming too!

Kenshin and Sano run off. As Sakura was contemplating running after them Kaoru grabs her sister’s arm.

KAORU: Sakura…? Did you fight too? Are you alright?

SAKURA: Yeah I fought. But don't worry about me. I'm fine, I’ve been telling you guys that all along.

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