The Truth About Training

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Another week goes by and Sakura can finally get out of bed. Although she still isn't supposed to be practicing, Sakura has never really been one to listen to advice. Today is different however. Today she is sitting in the house drinking tea with Kaoru. Today she is waiting patiently (as patiently as possible) for Sano to return from town. Sano had promised to bring her back something to help get her mind off not being able to practice.

SAKURA: (impatiently) Where is he? He said he'd be back soon. What's taking him so long anyway?

KAORU: Sakura… they've only been gone ten minutes

SAKURA: Well… I'm gonna go practice until they get back (she gets up).

Kaoru grabs the back of Sakura's kimono and she falls backward. This pattern continues for several minutes until Sakura gives up and continues drinking her tea. Finally the wait is over. Sakura could see Sano and Kenshin walking toward the house. Sakura gets up and attempts to run out and greet them, however Kaoru is on to her and once again grabs the back of Sakura’s kimono. Sakura’s half-hearted attempts to escape are futile and she eventually gives up. By then Kenshin and Sano have reached the house. Sakura sits down again with a not so ladylike thud as Kaoru helps her to her seat with a tug on the ol’ kimono ribbon. Sakura glares at Kaoru for a few seconds before turning her attention to Sano. Sakura puts on her best ‘over the top’ smile.

SAKURA: Soooo, what did you get me?

SANOSUKE: (handing her a comic book) Here.

Yahiko walks in.

YAHIKO: (spotting the comic book) Cool! I wanna see it!

SAKURA: (actually liking the gift and holding it just out of Yahiko’s reach) Hey, I've got a better idea. Why don't I read it to you.

After jumping up and trying to grab the comic from Sakura a few times, he gives up and consents to being read to. Even with all her injuries Yahiko is no match for Sakura. Everyone gathers 'round while Sakura starts to read. The comic was about a martial arts tournament where people from all different fighting styles went to compete. When Sakura got to the part about the ninja who could use different pressure point techniques to render an opponent unconscious or even kill them, Kenshin's and Sanosuke's eyes widened as if remembering something or finding the missing piece to a puzzle. As Sakura reads on, Kenshin thinks back to Sakura's fight with Okano. [I wonder, that last move she did… her kick didn't seem strong enough to bring him down… but… no… it couldn’t be… could it…? Has Sakura really mastered this ancient technique…?]

YAHIKO: (interrupting) Cool! Are there really people who can do that?

KAORU: Don't be silly Yahiko! That's impossible.

Kenshin and Sano just look at each other questioningly.

SAKURA: Actually sis, I wouldn't be too sure of that. I have heard stories that assassins such as these once lived in the shadows only coming out to kill.

YAHIKO: Cool! Tell me more.

SAKURA: (being extra dramatic for Yahiko’s benefit) Well, you better hope you never come across one, because all it took was one touch in the right spot and just like that you were dead. (She pokes Yahiko in the forehead and laughs.)

YAHIKO: (amazed) Wow!

Sakura finishes the comic book. Yahiko and Kaoru go about their business and start their afternoon training session. However, Sanosuke and Kenshin's minds are plagued by questions they don't have the answers too. They basically corner Sakura in hopes of getting some answers.

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