The Doctor's Request

Start from the beginning

Sano enters Sakura’s room and she looks as though she is sleeping peacefully. Sano can’t help but stare at her, wishing that she’ll wake up. It just doesn’t seem right to him that someone who is so lively should be laying here this still. Sano feels a fundamental ache somewhere inside him that he can’t quite place. In fact he doesn’t even try. He just accepts it, along with everything else that happened today. Megumi comes in with a blanket and pillow for Sanosuke. She sees him staring into Sakura’s face. He doesn’t even look up. Megumi takes the hint and leaves the room as quietly as she came in. Sano takes the blanket, wraps himself up and sits down next to Sakura. Sano remembers how her limp body felt in his arms and also how active she had become later. Sitting there Sano begins pondering some of the more difficult questions of the day. How’d she do it? How did she find the strength to fight so well when she was injured… first her ankle, then her side…? How did she take down that henchman at the double doors so quickly and easily? In fact how did she manage to knock Okano unconscious when he clearly had the advantage? As the thoughts continued to run though Sano’s mind he slowly drifts off to sleep, a sleep that was tormented with nightmares where other people he knew were getting murdered.

Morning comes and Megumi goes in to check on Sakura. She sees Sano sitting by Sakura's side. He looks as if he didn't get any sleep at all.

MEGUMI: Sano? Uh… how is she?

SANOSUKE: No change.

Megumi thinks to herself (Man, I have never seen him look so serious… What’s going on here… Could he really have feelings for this girl…?)

SANOSUKE: Megumi, I have a favor to ask you. Will you take this letter to the Kamiya dojo?

MEGUMI: Uh… sure… (Megumi was too shocked to say anything else.)

Megumi takes the letter and leaves. A few minutes later Dr. Gensai walks in with a plate of food.

DR. GENSAI: Here Sano, eat something. (Hands him the plate of food). Megumi made it before she left.


Sano takes the plate of food and puts it to the side. For the first time in a long time, he does not have an appetite. Dr. Gensai checks Sakura's vital signs along with her wounds.

DR. GENSAI: Well, her vital signs are strong. I'm sure she will regain consciousness before too long. All we can do now is wait.

SANOSUKE: Thanks Doc.


Over at the Kamiya Dojo…

KENSHIN: Ah, Good morning Megumi-dono

MEGUMI: (running up to Kenshin and batting her eyes shamelessly) Good morning Sir Ken.

KAORU: (quietly) Great, what is SHE doing here?

MEGUMI: Sano asked me to bring this over. (Hands Kenshin the note.)

KENSHIN: Thank you.

Everyone gathers around Kenshin as he reads the note.

KENSHIN: (reading) "On the way to Dr. Gensai's last night Sakura became unconscious. Although her wounds were treated promptly, she has not regained consciousness. I have decided to stay here until she recovers. Sano."

KAORU: Poor Sakura. She must have been more injured that I realized.

KENSHIN: I'm not surprised… that fight took a lot out of her, both physically and mentally.

YAHIKO: Let's go see her! Maybe she'll snap out of it!

KENSHIN: (smiles) That might even cheer Sano up, that it might.

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