Murasakibara Astushi x Chubby Reader

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(Y/n) = Your name

(L/n) = Last Name

(Bf/n) = Best Friend's name

(E/c) = Eye color

(H/c) = Hair color

(F/c) = Favorite color

(E/n) = Enemy's name

(C/n) = City/Country name

'Italics' are thoughts.

'Bold' is for emphasizing words to make it sound a certain emotion....most likey anger, frustration, and pleasure.

If you see this "*" there will be explanations as to why i wrote this or that.

Third P.O.V
"Everyone settle down!" yelled the teacher.

The classroom turned quiet.
"Today we have two transfer students from (C/n)."
The teacher looked towards the classroom door. He then raised his hand to signify the students to walk into the room.

All the students in the room turned their heads towards the door, whispering to their friends, making bets on whether or not the transfer students are boys or girls. All but one certain purple titian.
As the door opened it revealed two females.
The first female that walked into the room caught the eyes of many males in the classroom.
She had the perfect body every girl envied for, and every male lust for.
Her face was that of a goddess, putting Hera to shame.

Her eyes looked as cold as a frozen tundra glaring at everyone in the room as she let her companion to walk into the room as well.
The second female student was different from the first one.
This caused many of the students to whisper about the other female. Things were said; everything but positive.
The female was what people considered to be on the "heavy" size.
Her (H/L) (H/C) hair shined in the sunlight as she stood near the window.

(E/C) eyes stared at her shoes, scared to see judgemental stares sent her way. Her presence caught the attention of the purple titan.
The first girl that walked into the room cleared her throat, gaining their attention back to her.

"Hello my name is (Bf/n). I don't want to tell you my last name because it's none of your business. The person standing next to me is my friend (Y/n). She will not address her last name unless she wants to. Even though in japan you use the surname, we are not used to such terms so, we would like to be called by our first names.

A demonic aura surrounded the female.

.....if any of you dare try to inflict mental or physical pain on (Y/n), I will not hesitate to hurt you and your comrades in the most painful way. I can ruin your life. Got it?"

The majority of the class nodded their heads in fear, afraid to speak in a way that might trigger the female.

     After the threatening introduction, both girls were told by the teacher to sit in the middle row on the end year the window. Luckily the pair of seats were magicically next to each other.

"Alright now I was saying....." the teacher continued on with the lesson.
(Y/n) took out her notebook/binder (idk paper?) writing down notes and occasionally drawing little stick figures* completely unaware of a pair of eyes watching her with curiosity and interest.

~♡ Time Skip to next class♡~

Ah, P.E the most dangerous class of all.
"Pass me the ball dipshit!"
"EAT my balls!!!"
The gym was separated. The boys on one side and girls on the other*.
The boy were playing basketball as usual, while the girls played volleyball.

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