❀ Chapter 4: Acquaintances

Start from the beginning

~ Storm

Aww. He does have a heart.

I was smiling to myself while holding the note before I felt another tap on my shoulder as I spun around and hid the note in my pocket.

"Hey, Celestine, right?" He asked. He has blonde curly hair and blue eyes, his skin was tan and his whole aura screamed surfer boy.

I nodded quietly before he spoke. "Cool, I was thinking we could get to know each other, you're a pretty cool girl I've heard. The one who pranked Storm Winter?"

I blushed and let my jaw drop. He knows?!

"Wait, how did you know?" I raised an eyebrow as he chuckled.

"I was kinda around the corner when he yelled and you darted in and there was a small rumor. But I thought it took a girl with lots of guts to do it." He smiled.

"North Jeager." He held out his hand for me to shake as I decided to be sneaky and hid a buzzer in my palm before grabbing his hand.

"Celestine Rover. It's nice to met you." I giggled as he twitched and pulled his hand back and grabbing mine to inspect it, looking at the buzzer.

"Oh you're a prankster alright." He laughed, I smiled.

"So I was thinking, skate park? You can bring your friends." He asked.

"How many?"

"The more the merrier." He smiled and I thanked him before parting ways.

Maybe he would be happy there?




No, not really.

"... This semester you'll be working in pairs. I'll allow you to pick your partner, but if so, please be quiet about it." Mr. Baker finished.

Again? Seriously?

I looked over at North and smiled, signaling to ask if we could be partners until Mr. Baker opened his mouth.

"Ms. Rover, could you please pair up with Storm? He's good in chemistry and he'll be able to teach you since you're new. Plus, it doesn't look like both of you have partners." Damn that teacher.

I quickly stood up and tried to answer, "Uh.. I.. Uhh.. -"

"I'm cool with it." I snapped my head to Storm who was just siting on his chair casually with his trademark frown etched on his face. His hands, shoved in his pocket as he looked out the window.

I sighed and flashed North an apology smile before grabbing my books and stationaries and plopped down next to Storm. I smiled at him but he just looked at me and snapped his attention back to Mr. Baker.

Maybe this isn't to bad after all.


"It's not supposed to be like that!" He boomed and narrowed his eyes at me.

Oh give me a break.

"I don't know what the hell is a Benedict Solution!" I defended in frustration.

He groaned and yanked the tube from me and did the whole thing on his own. I tried reaching for a beaker but he'd just slap my hand off and I'll fall back to the chair pouting.

"Good job, Storm. Ms. Rover, please observe on how he's using the solution." Says Mr. Baker.

He was pouring the liquid so slow and well, me being the impatient person I am, slapped his elbow as the whole tube of solution poured into the beaker and overflowed, causing the Bunsen burner to flicker and shut off. Smoke came from the burner as Mr. Baker told everyone to evacuate the classroom and when everyone was outside, they were wheezing and coughing, shooting me death glares.

Storm turned to me with narrowed eyes. I can see the anger in them as he approached me.

"I told you to stand down!" He said loudly as I smiled sheepishly.

"You were pouring it so slow that a mouse could pee faster then what's dripping out of the test tube. I just had to do it." I defended as he threw his arms up in frustration.

"Celestine this goes into our Finals' marks. I can't fail finals. Maybe this is why I chose to stay away from you." He said blankly as he leaned against the walls.

I sighed, "Fine I get it, I only cause more trouble in your life. I'll stay out of it." I stated calmly as I grabbed my bag and left.


New Cover by drxwspotatoes .

She's awesome. Love ya Jas ~

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