Their High- dedicated to jules130, about Playing Evelyn

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Their High

The music thumps

Throughout the house,

The walls shaking

And the ground pulsing.

The band plays,

And practices,

And sing their hearts out.

Their love for music

Is obvious

To anyone who sees them.

The lead singer

Closed her eyes,

And pictures her future,

A future with the band

And the love of her life,

And never having to worry

About anything.

She pictures the crowds

That come to every concert,

The news of hearing

The concert is sold out

In a couple of days.

Then they're sold out

In one day.

And then twelve hours.

And then six hours.

And then two hours.

And, finally,

Ten minutes.

For a night,

Everyone forgets

They're just a few kids

Singing their hearts out,

Having fun.

For a night,

They're Close All Doors,

The awesome new band

Everyone loves.

For a night,

They're rock stars,

Living the life they dreamed,

Hitting it big,

And leaving a boom.

For a night,

The fans cheer

And they play.

For a night,

For one single night,

They get high off music,

Not needing anything else.

They don't need drugs,

Or some weird stunt.

They just need music,

And, even if it's all they have,

It's enough.


For one night,

All they need

Is each other.



They joy of being in a band,

Of playing for millions,


Their High.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2011 ⏰

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Their High- dedicated to jules130, about Playing EvelynWhere stories live. Discover now