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That night; Raven arrived above the warehouse within record timing, she hovered above the roof, until she found an opening. Taking precaution, she observed her surroundings as she floated down onto the roof. There was loud thumps of music being played off, it vibrated through the ceiling.

Raven mentally scoffed. It was a party, of course. What next: guess who stole the magic mirror?

She looked down through the sky roof to see a bunch of people stupidly dancing to stupid music. This was going to be her whole night, wasn't it?

Raven found the stair well and floated down into the building. The doors were wide open, inviting, yet inside was a large amount of people, grooving to whatever moves they could pull off the horribly chosen music.

She stepped inside, and looked around cautiously. Her guard up and annoyance growing. This was the location, now how to find her stalker had her guessing. She had known someone following her around lately, but didn't know exactly who or what.

Raven swiftly as she could, which wasn't very stealthy, she continuously ran straight into people as she walked through the crowd, at this point she hoped she was noticed so she could leave the crowd, but it was where the people were, and she was looking for someone, so.

One thing she decided was whoever her stalker was choose a horrible date destination. The music was horrible, there were to many people. Raven hated this place, stalker was going to pay.

"Rae-rae!" Raven heard the nick name just over the loud music, she turned sharply, thinking she was about to be faced with the one calling her, but she didn't notice who it was at first.

She looked for a guy, but the one who approached her was a long-haired albino female. She had a scared just noticeable from the lighting, right across her eye. Raven didn't recognise her at first, at all, and at first also did not realise she was the one who called her.

"Can I help you?" Raven asked, loudly, so she could be heard. The albino looked smug, most did there anyway.

"Nice to see you made it, Rae." The girl smirked down at Raven. Raven's eyebrow lifted.

"Stalker guy?" Was her first instinct to say. She looked the girl up and down. Albino girl was about a head taller than her, hair that went down to her hips, wearing a tank top, and jeans. Albino girl heard her though, and she laughed.

"Ha, no. I took care of him after I realised he was messing with you." She smiled. And even though there were people around them still partying, no one took notice of the two in the middle of the floor.

"You 'took care' of him?" Raven lifted her eyebrow again, who was this person? "I can take care of myself, thanks." Raven crossed her arms, this chick had nothing to do with her. Albino smirked.

"I know, but why should you bother with a wimp? He wasn't worth your time." Albino shrugged. Raven wasn't liking her much.

"Who are you? How do you know me?" This whole conversation wasn't worth Raven's time. She could hardly hear the Albino girl anyway. Albino smiled, slightly more genuine this time, she pointed over her shoulder.

"Shall we continue this outside?" She was calling over the music. Raven wanted this over quickly, and was sick of this music, she may not know this person, but that didn't matter right now.

Raven nodded. Albino nodded back and started to head out, Raven followed her. Albino guided Raven through the crowd of restless people, and after a bit of a hustle, they made it out to the door, Albino headed up the stairs though, and Raven questioned her motives, but followed anyway. Raven could always fly anyway if necessary, this girl looked mortal.

After a silent walk, except the sound from the part still rather loud and bursting through the walls, they made it up to the roof. Albino walked over to the edge and sat with her legs dangling off the edge. Raven followed, and took the chance instantly.

"Who are you?" Raven asked, turning to the Albino girl with slight annoyance, this was taking her time anyway. Albino grinned and look to Raven as well.

"It really isn't obvious to you?" Albino asked, Raven shook her head, just answer already. Albino smirked, and laughed lightly. "That hurts, I thought you'd recognise me."

"Just tell me. And how do you know me?" Raven was ready to move this conversation forward. Albino smiled.

"The name's Jackie." Albino girl flaunted, ravenously. Raven didn't believe this for a second though, it was hard to sense, but it felt like Albino was lying. "And how I know you is simple. You save the city all the time, it's hard not to notice you." Raven didn't believe that either.

"You scared my stalker away, you're not just some citizen whose seen me kicked evil butt." Raven commented. Albino girl laughed.

"Never thought I'd hear you say that, Rae." Albino held her stomach. Raven grumbled.

"Stop calling me that – Why do you call me that?" Raven questioned, Albino stopped laughing, but grinned.

"It's your nick name."

"Only Beast Boy has called me that." Raven stated.

"So, he's the only one can?" Albino lifted an eyebrow.

"Well, at least I know him." Raven argued.

"But you do know me." Albino excused.

"No, I don't." Raven said.

"You really don't remember me? What about the pizza guy-stalker? You totally took him down for me. You even came up to me and asked if I was ok." Albino stated, Raven lifted an eyebrow.

"When did this happen?"

"Last year!" Albino chuckled, she gave Raven a minute to remember. Raven was stuck for a moment, then she tried to remember. Albino watched her, and saw raven's expression change.

"Wait, you didn't have white hair then." Raven said finally. Albino sighed.

"Yeah, people change." Albino sounded as if she were saying 'duh'. However, Raven looked her up and down, and did remember her. She did look a lot different now. And suddenly it made sense if Albino or 'Jackie' was the one who drove off Raven's stalker.

"Ok, but your name wasn't Jackie last time I spoke to you. And that's another thing, why'd you ask me to come out with you? What if I didn't come out here? What do you want with me?" Raven asked, Albino shrugged.

"Of course, you would've come out. When do you back down from something?" Albino looked smug. Raven grumbled.

"You know, you're starting to sound like a stalker now." Raven stated. Albino laughed.

"You wouldn't want me as a stalker." Albino smirked.

"Why is that?" Raven asked. Albino grinned, she didn't answer. Raven grumbled. "What do you want with me then?" Raven asked again. Albino paused for a moment, then grinned, and stood up. She stretched, then reached her hand out for raven to get up. Raven refused and stood up on her own.

"The name's Rose Wilson, and I want you," Albino faced Raven, then finished. "To patrol with me."

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