Amelie Leveridge and Severus Snape Epilogue

Start from the beginning

I was a little hot, dressed in a smart black skirt and tights, a starchy-white shirt, and black heels. For August, it was just too much, but I needed to make a good impression.

"No!" Snape shouted, storming out of the door behind me. "Absolutley not! I am not having any child of mine become some...vagrant. Dropping out of school... what if you don't get the job?!" He grabbed hold of my shoulder, and span me round.

"Oh, I will." Snape scowled fiercely at me. I just shrugged him off.

"Wish me luck." I grinned at him, before apparating to the reception desk at the ministry.

"Can I help you?" The blonde-bimbo of a receptionist asked, slightly flustered from my shock appearence.

"Yes, I'm here for my Job interview." She smiled a mencaing, and sickly smile.

"I'm sorry love, but we already have a receptionist." She gestured to herself, obviously underestimating me.

"Oh no, I'm not here for that job. Alastor Moody has asked whether I wanted to become his apprentice." The stuck up woman scowled at me.

"Aren't you a bit young?" She raised an elegantly curved eyebrow at me.

"Aren't you a bit old." I snapped. Her eyes narrowed with anger, and she was about to spout off some insults when something behind me stopped her.

"Anything the matter Stephanie?" Tonks appeared beside me, causing the receptionist to back down.

"Hello Miss Snape. Would you like to follow me? Alastor sent me to get you." I stuck my tounge out at the blonde, before following Tonks towards the magical-lift.

"It's not the best idea to upset the receptionist before you even start the job." She laughed at me, before walking out of the lift, and towards a large metal door. She knocked, before pushing it open gently, and gesturing for me to go inside.

It was a scruffy little office. Papers covered the desk that lay in the centre of the room, and two scuffed chairs sat behind it. There was a hard looking dining chair the other side of the desk.

Alastor Moody sat in one of the chairs, grumbling something under his breath. His hair was raggedy and grey, and his skin rough and chipped. He was slightly overweight, and wore grubby grey coloured clothes that didn't help his appearance. His real eye was looking at me suspiciously, and his magical was darting all over the room in an unnerving fashion.

Tonks took the seat next to him, and gestured for me to sit in the chair opposite.

As I limped over to my seat, my leg still rather sore after the accident, I couldn't overlook the glares Moody was aiming at me.

"Now, Amelie, we have here your OWL scores. I have no problem, if they are good enough, with you joining our ranks immediately-" I couldn't help but grin. I had to have done well. "- but I can't say the same for grumpy here." She gestured to Moody.

"Nymphadora." He said pointedly, smirking as her striking blue hair went a shocking shade of angry pink. "After what I saw last week, I have reason to believe that you are a very talented witch. But you can't have talent alone. Constant Vigilance!! If you aren't smart enough in the big wide world, then you wont make it. This isn't some namby-pamby job, this is real life, dangerous stuff! No girlish whining. No do-overs. No Daddy coming to your aid. It's all down to you." He looked at me disapprovingly.

"I know. I'm not some wimp you know. I'm in Gryffindor for a reason." I raised an eyebrow at him, causing him to mutter something under his breath along the lines of Slytherin something, something. I knew it was an insult based on my father.

"Can I see my scores yet?" I asked Tonks, already annoyed with the grumpy man.

She nodded, and flicked her wand. A crumpled piece of parchment flew out from a pile infront of her, and hovered where we could all read it.

I couldn't help but smile.

"Outstanding in everything?" Tonks asked shocked. "I didn't even know that was possible." I just smirked at them.

"It's not all about grades. You've gotta have guts." Moody seemed dead set against me having the job. He wasn't like that last week. I wonder whether he's found out about my Dad...

"Would you mind stepping outside Miss Snape, while me and Alastor have a little chat." She glared at Moody, who narrowed his eyes as he watched me leave.

"What is your problem?!" She hissed, as I held my ear up to the door.

"My problem is her father."

"She's a good kid, and she'll make a great Auror. I don't see what Snape has to do with anything!"

"Snape has everything to do with this. You know how much I hate that man, and she is his creation. I dont trust her for a minute!"

"But she's nothing like him!"

"We don't know that! We all thought Snape was alright, before he went and betrayed the Potters!" I couldn't take any more of him insulting my Dad.

I stormed into the room, slamming the door as I went, and marched up to where Moody was standing.

"I am not my DAD!" I hissed, my eyes blazing. The small prison like window on the far wall started vibrating. "I am nothing like him! I am in Gryffindor!! I am not a Death Eater! And I want to help Harry!!!" I was right up in his face now, but he just blinked at me.

"You have the same temper." I narrowed my eyes, and tried to calm down. Smashing windows wouldn't really help the situation.

"How dare you?!" I seethed. "I am not him. I am ME!! I make my own choices, and I want to be an Auror! How dare you even say that I could be like him! I wouldn't ever betray anyone!! I am a good person!! You have no right denying me this job just because of him!" I roared. The room went silent, apart from my heavy breathing.

Suddenly, Moody started chuckling.

"I like you kid. You've got guts. Tell you what, I'd be honoured to have you as my apprentice." I stared at him in disbelief.

"What?" I said sceptically. That was unexpected.

"I said you're hired." I looked down to where he was offering me a heavy, worn hand.

"Thank you!" I said exstatically, shaking his hand vigorously. "Dad is gonna be so mad." I grinned.

"Just make sure you don't end up like him." I smirked at him.

"That's never gonna happen." I paused. "I don't think anyone can like black that much." He chuckled as I skipped out of the room, and apparated back to Spinners End.


"How'd it go?" Snape asked unemotionally, whislt stirring some bubbling red liquid in the cauldren I got him for Christmas.

"I got the Job!" I squealed, running over and crushing him in a hug.

"Well...congratulations I guess." He muttered, hugging me back ever so slightly.

"Why are you so dead set against this?" I muttered irritatedly. He sighed.

"I'm not, I just want you to have a good life. A better life than me." I smiled at him. Although he is grumpy most of the time, he's actually quite endearing.

"And I will. Just so long as I've got you with me." He pulled me into another hug. We seem to making a habit of this.

"I'll always be there for you Amelie. I promise."


What did you think??!!! That was the last chapter!!!! Did it make a good Epilogue? I may or may not write a sequel, only time will tell. However, now I am going to focus on my other, better written, book called T'he Marauders and Me'. Check it out ;)

Thank y'all for reading my book, I appreciate it all you awesome peoples.



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