Valentines day final day!

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Anthony's Pov:

My eyes flutter open I turned around and there was a not on the alarm clock. I sat up and rubbed my eyes then picked up the note 'good morning darling I hope you had good rest I'm in the mess hall make sure to put on the outfit I got for you ~love Adam' I smiled at the note and got up and put the clothes on I laughed when I saw the cat ears "why the hell not it is valentines day after all" I put on the cat ears and head out. I walk into the mess hall I walk over to my friends table and they giggle "aww what a cute kitty" galm said I look down and blush in embarrassment "hey leave my kitty alone" I turned around and saw nanners. I smiled and he kissed my cheek and sat by me and started playing with my fake ears causing me to sigh "why the cat ears...." He laughed "because cats are cute and your cute so double cute" I giggled and the doors open with Sean and ohm holding hands people were clapping and whistling they walked over here and jack hid his face "aww don't be embarrassed it's adorable that you two are together! Adam got up a left and I raised an eyebrow soon everyone started to leave it was just me Sean ohm ze and galm left "we should get going" I started getting a head ache "Gah" my eyes felt dry and I felt no control over myself...oh no

3rd pov

Chilleds body fell to the floor his his hand over his head all of his friends worried Ze picked up chilled and sat him down at the table "shh calm down calm down" chilled looked at ze tears coming from his eyes. His eyes flashed from brown to blue. Ze hugged him and chilleds eyes went normal ze stared at his friend "what happened?" Chilled shook his head "I don't know...I'm fine now so it's okay" chilled was shaking "no your not okay we gotta tell max and Adam" chilleds eyes widen "No if you tell Adam he will freak out and if you tell max he will get scientist or some shit to do experiments on me to see what's going !" Ze looked up at there friends and they all seemed worried "fine chilled we won't tell but your gonna have to tell at least Adam one day" chilled smiled and hugged ze "by the way nanners is waiting for you at the front gate" chilled nods and gets up running to the door

Chilleds pov:
I can't believe that happened in front of my friends! The weird part is that I didn't even hear dels voice c-could it be th-that I'm losing control of myself? No snap out of it chilled just go see Adam and see what he wants. Yea Adam always makes me happy. I smiled at the thought of Adam. I looked around and saw Adam by the door. When he spotted me he smiled. I ran over to him
"Hello gorgeous I have a special day planed oh and uh haha you can take these off" he took the cat ears off and I chuckled he smiled and pecked my lips. "Heh okay well where we going" he tok my hand "that my dear chi chi is a secret!" I laughed as he pulled me along "I have a feeling im gonna be pulled a lot" he smiled "maybe depends if you can keep up" he starts running and I laugh running along. He then went behind me and put his hands over my eyes. I giggled "Adam what are you doing" I smiled "well I was thinking what's more romantic then a boat ride across the cherry blossom trees" I perked up "no way" I felt my self step into something wobbly. His hands removed and I saw we were in a row boat "yes way" the man rowing us started to move and I smiled looking at the falling blossoms. "You look so cute right now chilled" I laughed "can ya blame me this is gorgeous!" I looked at the petals in the river and I picked some petals up I turned to Adam who was recording me I smile and blew the flowers at him. We both laughed and he put the camera down. I put my head on his shoulder and looked around i saw up ahead and we started to go under a tunnel.  I closed my eyes and just listened to the rushing water.
I was poked "come on chilled we have more to see" he was out of the boat holding his hand out. I took his hand and hopped out we started walking again to some place I looked around and there were people looking at us weird. I blushed and got closer to Adam "hey it's okay they are just upset  they can't find true love like us" I smiled and nodded he took me over across a green field right next to a pond beside us was a blanket with a basket full of food! I sit down with Adam and he pulls out some good looking sandwiches. "I made your favorite" I smiled and un wrapped the sandwich I took a big bite out of it and my eyes lit up. "Are you a chef or something?!" I looked at Adam and smiled "yes I have a show called cooking with Nanners" I chuckle "I'm also a doctor!" I laughed and sat In his lap "doctor doctor something's wrong" he laughs his dolphin laugh "what's wrong!" I smiled "my heart throbs my cheeks burn and my lips hurt when I'm around this person" he smirked "this sounds serious luckily I have a cure" he put his hand under my chin and I leaned in and kissed him. I felt something wet hit my head we pulled apart and looked up it started raining Adam quickly got up helping me up to we grabbed the stuff and started running back to base "Adam this was the best valtines day ever! I love you!" He chuckled "I love you to Chi Chi!" We ran inside the base all soaked and laughing. I smile at Adam man did I get lucky!

I know it's horribly late but something came up and I usually write story's at night the medicine I'm on for my anxiety knocks me out! Sorry guys I'll try hard next time!

Comment challenge: who can you absolutely trust with a secret!

Fighting for my love (seachaos)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن