New girl!

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Ding ding ding we have a winner but the contest isn't over yet I still need 1 good person and two bad gl oh and the winner Issa @maddy_crafts_pie congrats maddy!!!! U r one big lucky duckling on with the story!!!!!!
Anthony's Pov:
I was sitting at lunch eating cake with Adam galm smarty Stevan and minx. Minx was very upset because when max found out she was dateing krisam max kicked krisam out here's a flash back (no not in the actual story so don't look) flashback:
Me and Adam were walking but when we passed the janitors closet we heard kissing so we opened it and saw minx and krisam sucking faces "ahem.." Adam said to get there attention they turned around and there eyes went wide when they saw us "OMG uh uh it's not-" I stopped her "it's okay guys we won't tell we promise" they looked at us confused "why won't you tell?" Minx said. Adam grabbed my waist and turned my chin to look in his gorgeous eyes "because were madly in love to..." He said staring in my eyes "Adam......" I blushed of embarrassment "SEA CHAOS IS REAL!!!!!" We both snapped out of it and looked at them holding hands squeeling we chucked "we keep yours and you keep ours" they nodded "agree!" They said together

One week later
Minx and krisampro were called to the office me and Adam were worried so we listen in "I CANT BELIVE YOU TWO HAVE DISRESPECT OUR NUMBER ONE RULE THIS IS STUPID OF YOU TO!" "Please max that won't happen with us just give us a-" minx got cut off " NO IT WILL HAPPEN WHAT IF SHE DIES MINX.....(sigh) I'm sorry but krisampro pack your bags your kicked off the team..." Me and Adam gasped "max no wait please don't " we could tell minx was about to cry "sorry but rules are rules" the door open and we saw krisampro in tears she looked at us and we gave her a big hug "were so sorry krisam" I said to her she just hugged us and cry. " on updates about minx please" we nodded and she ran off. When minx came out in the same position as krisam we gave her a big hug and she said "now I'll make sure nothing happens between u two okay." We than walked her to her room to relax.
Flashback over
Anthony's pov:
Poor minx it must be hard for her. Max opened the doors with a girl behind her "LITSEN UP" we all looked at him "we have a new recruit due to something happening a week ago!" Minx dropped a tear and I went over and comfort her
"Her name is maddy she's shy and her code name is fluffy" I looked at the girl that look semi filmier to me hmm. I smiled and gave her a wave she smiled a bit to and gave a wave. Max started up again "since we have new recruits there are gonna be some switches when I say your name go train ok minx and maddy, they went off. Ohm and dlive,chilled and Adam..." We went off and we left Adam garbed my hand fast and pulled me somewhere "ADAM S-slow down" he looked at me giving me a kiss on the cheek "okay time for some more basic and not so hard training follow my lead" I nodded he put his foot behind his other slightly spread apart so I did that. He put his hands up then made them into fists. He looked at me "chilled....don't let anything distract you got it? Now were gonna practice fighting to see what we can fix no mercy okay?" "Alright!" I said confident. He got out of fighting possession "but first a kiss" I let my guard down and he grabbed my arm and threw me to the ground I felt a little pain "later.." Adam finished then an idea came in my mind. I knew this would come in handy! "Gaaaahhh!!!!" I said in fake pain forcing fake tears "Anthony? Don't play tricks on me!" He said looking worried "IT HURTS" I said he rush to my side "Anthony I'm so sorry I-i" I quickly grabbed his arm and threw him to the ground and got on him and pinned him down and I smirked "no mercy Adam remember" I said he looked at me "this is funny" Adam said "how so?" I asked he smirked "you always looked like the bottom type.." My eyes widened Adam the captured my lips to his and I fluttered my eyes closed enjoying this kiss I loosened my grip on him and he took that as an advantage "no mercy chilled even though I did enjoy that lovely kiss" Anthony blushed "wow you still blush even though I'm your boyfriend....very rude chilled I have to punish you.." He said in a deep husky voice. Adam help Me up and kissed him ever so gently "a-Adam.." I lightly said between kisses Adam pushed Me on the wall Adam stopes and looks at me "I told our friends our secret and they said they won't tell but...." Adam got to my  ear "tonight I mark you as mine so they know" he whispers and then biting my ear lobe then going to my neck "a-Adam wha what if we get caught..." I said trying to hold back my moans. Adam ignored me and kept nipping kissing and sucking on My neck "a-Adam!!" I couldn't hold it back any longer Adam stopped and smiled "that's a sound I would love to hear more of..." I couldn't take it i switched our positions and kissed Adam with passion. I nipped Adams lip to ask for entrance and he gladly gave in as they battled for dominance "uh..." I stopped and looked at the door along with Adam to see...maddy "SO SORRY I UH WAS UH SENT TO GET U TWO!" She was about to leave but Adam and I both yelled "wait please don't tell.." We said and Adam took over "if he found out were breaking the number one rule of no dating he will send one of is away from each other and we could never meet again!" He finished she smiled and looked up "I swear I won't tell cross my heart" we walked up to her and started to walk with her to the cafeteria "don't cross ur heart that would hurt.." I said and she giggled. "You know chilled you remind me a lot of my brother he was also gay and Italian " that maybe stop and think could she be?

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