Chapter One : A Totally Different Story Then You Might Have Heard

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Life isn't easy for a pioneer. I should know. I am one. My name is Peter Michaels, but where I live, no one goes by their first name. It's almost a sin where I come from. So, by different standards, I must go by the name "Pioneer Michaels". It's super demeaning, but I've kinda grown to like it.

We live in the town of Millsville, Ohio. Our main export is, you guessed it, whatever we can cram and sell from our mills. (Our town is weird like that.) Anyways, many pioneers have told down from years and years that they went west in search of gold and new land. And they're true. Well, mostly true. For the most part.

But let me just say, they forgot a lot of things when they told the story. Where's the transportation systems? Where's the cities? Where's the futuristic society that I woke up in and had to defeat a giant robot to save all of mankind? (Maybe I'm thinking of a different time... no.. wait... I'm right. I just experienced it all in a different time then everyone else did.)

So, without further ado, here's my story.

It all started many, many, many years ago. Before the iPhones, before the Xbox's, and even before the simple computer. Yeah. That far back. Around the 1800's, to be precise. Now, before you close the book and think that you're going to die of boredom hearing about our eastern life, I need to get my point across.

My life in the east? Stupid. Pointless. And annoying.

I was in charge of taking care of all the silly livestock. All of those pigs, sheep, cows, ox, bison, and other creatures we used with our wagons? My responsibility. It sucked here in the east. So much different than life in the future. Back on the subject, my town is not like the traditional towns you would think existed in the 1800's.

We had mills, we had gardens, and we had water. But it was all organized in a completely different way. I guess our town mayor is crazy, because the library is about the size of your kitchen and the tavern is 3 stories. Weird. My workday is summed up as: wakeup, feed the animals, wash the animals, feed them again, go back to sleep.

But after a while, the formula became obvious and I felt I was doing my entire life on one schedule. Is that all I'm good for? Just a farm and stable boy? Well, starting tomorrow, this was going to change. My entire life was about to be flipped on its head. And nothing will be the same again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2016 ⏰

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