Chapter Four - Coming Into Terms

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I woke up right before the sun could rise in the horizon. I was ready to get some new clothes and drop wrath to my parents.

I walked around the house and saw that no one was awake. Not even Logan and I thought him to be an early bird. I went to the kitchen and into the fridge to get an apple.

I walked around with a song playing in my head. I was bored and the best I could find to do in morning was start to head bop with songs playing in my head.

I was down to the last bite of my apple before I chugged it into the trashcan. I walked around the house a few more times before I jumped on the living room sofa and propped my feet into the coffee table to watch news.

I lasted at least a minute watching GMA before I got off the couch.

"Where the hell is the people in this house?" I asked no one in particular.

I went back up and walked around the rooms. I knew Logan's would be right up here. Just a weird feeling I got.

I rapped at his door lightly before turning the knob.

He was still asleep, of course. I can't help to admit that he looked a little cute. It was already 7:50 and I thought he would be prepared seeing that he's the almighty alpha and all.

I cleared my throat hoping to wake him. I did it a few times, but he even snored a little bit. So I went up to his face and poke it.

"Logan." I said poking him. "Looogan." Poking him more. "Logan!"

He jumped up off bed frantically.


"It's eight in the morning, get up!" I yelled.

"Okay, I'm up." He said getting up.

"I'll be downstairs."

I waited at least five minutes when I saw a Logan with his hair wet and running down the stairs.

"Aren't women just faster than men?" I said to myself.

"Ready?" He asked me.

"I'm the one that woke you up, remember?"


We got to his black dodge ram after he spoke to Chase. Probably about leaving him in charge when we're gone.

"I shouldn't be gone by more than three day. You got this?" Said Logan to Chase.

"Yeah. You take care of her, alright?" Chase said while pointing at me. "Bye, Angel."

"Bye Chase."

We were on the road, hitting up the highway. We were silent in the car with the windows rolled down.

"You got anything to smoke?"

Logan looked at me with surprise, "Aren't you a little young to smoke?"

"Please. I brought weed to Junior High kids."

"In the glove compartment."

I opened the compartment and found a bong, a bag of weed, and a lighter.

"Shit. I didn't know you roll down like this."

I stuffed some weed into the end of the hookah, "Master Kush too?" I then took the lighter while Logan rolled the windows up. I lit the thing and I was getting high after two hits.

The car was filled with smoke. It was amazing.

"I haven't smoked this shit since the last day of school. You wanna hit?" I said offering him the bong.

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