Part 5

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            Right now, I’m waiting for Allie to get back from her drug run with Hal. You know, I think they’re really starting to like each other. They’ve been doing a bunch of stuff together lately and I think it’s good that Allie finds someone. Hal too, he’s been way too lonely after Karen went missing.

            I told Allie to meet me in the hallway outside of the gym so we can walk to the woods. I need to finish making my bow and need to get started on some more arrows. Beside me, a door opens and Allie walks out with Hal right by her side. I stand up as they say goodbye to each other.

            “So, you and Hal huh?” I say to Allie as we start walking down the hallway.

            “What? No he’s still hung over Karen and I mean really, like can you actually see us two together?” She says looking behind her at Hal. I look back just in time to see him smile at her and wave. She blushes and waves back while I just stand there laughing.

            “Yeah I can Allie, he needs to get over Karen and I think you’d be perfect for him.” I say. We walk through the school, out the doors, and into the shallow part of the woods. We walk over to the tree where I’m hiding my bow and supplies. We sit on the trunk of the fallen tree and I get started working on the string.

            “Well what about you Ms. Cupid? You have anyone in mind? I hear Jimmy has a little crush on you.” Allie says laying her gun on the ground.

            “He does? Well that’s nice and all but I’m kind of stuck on someone.” I say tying the string to one side of bow.

            “Really? Who?” Allie says.

            “He’s not with us but I can’t stop thinking about him. Let me give you a hint; he’s your new boyfriends’ brother.” I say. Allie thinks for a moment and then her eyes bug out.

            “Ben? You like Ben? For how long?” Allie says excitedly. I just chuckle and tie the other end of the string.

            “Ever since like 6th grade I think. So for a couple years or so. I know what you’re going to say, why didn’t I say anything to him. Well, I never really told anyone until now. The only reason Hal knows is because he guessed. He says that Ben feels the same way but I don’t believe it. Finally, I’m finished.” I say adding the finishing touches to the bow. I lift it up in the air, observing my masterpiece.

            “Looks nice. You must really miss him, don’t you Kali?” Allie says taking the bow from my hands. I sigh and look down to the ground.

            “Yeah, I really do. Well anyway, let’s go back to the school before it gets too dark.” I get together all the supplies to make more arrows and we head back to the school. On the way there, I try to push back all the thoughts in my head about Ben by thinking about how many arrows I need to make. That night, I fall asleep after I make one or two arrows. The next morning, Hal, Tom, and I go to Captain Weaver about the report on the harnessed kids.

            “We just got the report from the recon team. The other group of harnessed kids didn’t come back last night. Ben’s group is still there, but we don’t know for how long. The drugs are ready, we wanna move.” Tom says to Weaver as we walk in. Hal hands them a map of the hospital that Ben and the other harnessed kids are at. I go to stand beside Hal while Tom and Weaver observe the map.

            “Show me what you got.” Weaver says to Tom.

            “Okay, there’s a Mech here, if we rip out this window eight go in. We assume that the noise wakes up the Skitters and draws the Mech. Mech comes around, it gets blown up right here. Inside we got two men on this door, facing the hallway continuous fire once the Skitters show up. That leaves six men in the room to kill the Skitters.” Tom says pointing in various places on the map.

            “Hard to time that.” Weaver says.

            “Grab the kids, get them back out that window and we disappear in the woods.”  Tom rubs his chin while waiting for Weavers answer.

            “Tom, in battle, the more important the objective the easier to overlook the flaws in the plan. Now, the Skitters break through into the room to circle around outside to intercept you’d fail.” Weaver says.

            “I can accept that risk.” Tom says. I start to get an idea in my mind but I’m debating on whether it’s a good one or not.

            “It’s not just your risk, it’s the teams risk and it’s Ben’s risk. What happens to him if the three of you get yourselves killed?” Weaver points out. “Now with your plan the first thing that you do is you wake the Skitters up, there goes your tactical advantage. You want to keep them asleep as long as possible.” Weaver says. I wait for someone else to say something but no one does so I decide to tell them my theory.

            “What if, umm, well if we keep them asleep the whole time, because there’s just that one Mech there during the day. So, we send the recon team in, they break the lock on the back door, then tonight they come in and just one guy goes in alone. You know he goes in, goes to Ben’s room, and kills the Skitter while it’s asleep.” I say as they think it through.

            “Well they’re not that easy to kill Kali.” Tom points out.

            “Well you did it, well almost.” I say back.

            “Getting in and out quietly is your best bet. Probably your only bet. Figure it out.” Weaver says to Tom. With that, we all leave the room and head over to lunch. After lunch, I head over to Uncle Scotts room with Tom and Hal. Tom goes to talk to Uncle Scott so I walk over to Matt to see what he’s doing.

            “Hey Matty, whatcha doing?” I ask sitting down on the chair next to him.

            “Messing with this radio that Uncle Scott made. Is your leg okay?” He asks looking down at my leg.

            “Yeah it’s fine, Anne says I can start walking on it tomorrow, just in time for us to go get Ben.” I say. Tom and Uncle Scott come over to talk about something but I just zone out and listen to the music. After a few minutes, Hal and Tom leave while I stay in the room with Uncle Scott and Matt.

            Matt continues to turn the handle on the radio and I just sit there and watch him. A few seconds later, we hear Captain Weaver walk in the room.

            “Oh Captain Weaver, what can I do for ya?” Uncle Scott says to him. Weaver walks over to the record player and takes off the record.

            “What are you saying we can’t play music?” Uncle Scott says to Weaver.

            “You can play whatever you want, just not this.” Weaver says leaving with the record. He shuts the door and Scott looks over at Matt and me.

            “Okay that was a little strange.” I say looking at Scott. He just shrugs his shoulders and gets back to work on what he was doing before. I get up, tell Matt and Scott goodbye and walk back to our room to work on more arrows. After an hour or so, I fall asleep until the dinner bell wakes me. After dinner, I went on sentry duty with Allie and Hal until we came with no news of anything.


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