Chapter 9

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Red’s pov

I officially hate hospitals! Ugh and that idiotic fellow they call my mate visited every single bloody day! I was starting to lose my mind, then thank the lord Mummy came and said that the Doctor said was that I could go if I wished too, and hell yes I wished too.

“Oh Mum turn up the song,” I asked my Mum, but still turned up the volume even though I got a dirty look from Mum.

“Honey this music is ridiculous! And I’ve already counted near 7 swear words,” She told me sternly.

“Kids these days,” I heard her mutter under her breath, which made me chuckle.

After that awkward conversation it was pretty silent until we got home and Mum asked if I was going to talk to Maggie and I just shrugged my shoulders, I forget about Maggie shit what am I going to do?
“Mum do I have to stay here?” I asked Mum.

“Yes you do, look I know Maggie is the biggest bitch right now but you need to reach a simple understanding,” Mum told me softly with a saddened look on her face.

“Mum do you understand what she did to me!” I basically yelled at my mother.

“Yes I f*cking know, and I’ll tell you what else I know that she’s your f*cking twin sister!” Mum spat in my face.

“Thanks for the help Sherlock,” I said sarcastically and left mum fuming in the car.

When I silently walked up the stairs I heard Maggie on the phone and thought I should investigate, well more like listen.

“Yes I understand, no she survived when I pushed her down the stairs,” I heard Maggie say and probably the person on the other line replied cause she started talking again.

“No Alex dumped me for her! I know but I think he truly cares for her now,”
“Ok but how can I do that? Kill her I guess give me a month and she’ll be gone,” I finally heard Maggie say then hang up.

After a second or two I heard Maggie make her way to the door so I ran into my room and slammed it shut, but soon enough it came bursting open again.

“Oh I see the bitch is back from hospital, was it fun being weak? Well hoped you enjoyed it because I enjoyed making you like that,” Maggie spat at me and the only thing I could do was whimper.

“What happened to you Maggie? You used to be so nice, is it because of what Tyler did to you do you think because he rejected you my mate has to?” I whimpered again.

“Don’t you dare speak about Tyler like that, and you know why Tyler rejected me that’s why I’m doing this,” Maggie hissed.

“Maggie it wasn’t my fault,” I cried, no she was going to say it.

“It was your fault! He rejected me because he said he loved you how is that not your fault!” She screamed at me and threw my lamp at me.

“Oi what the hell is going on here?” I heard a voice say then Alex barged in the door and I realised the voice belonged to him.

“Oh I was just explaining to little red here how my mate rejected me for her, funny story would you like to hear it?” Maggie sneered and turned to face Alex and put on an innocent face.

“Look I’m just gonna get Red and leave ok I’ll see you around Maggie,” Alex sighed and grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room and into the garden on my favourite swing that I’ve adored since I was little.

“Get on I’ll push you,” Alex ordered softly so I obeyed him and he lightly started to push me.

“Thankyou,” I whispered.

“Please tell me what she was talking about with her and mate,” He softly asked me and knelt beside me and played with a loose piece of me hair.

“Her mate is Tyler Brown and well they found each other 2 years ago at a party and they knew instantly that they were mates and were inseparable since. Then at the beginning of this year Maggie got sent to boarding school because she got expelled from our old school and well Tyler stayed at our place a lot, Mum and Dad didn’t mind because they were close with him. After a while me and Tyler got to know each other and we became very close friends in that time, but then the day before Maggie came home Tyler said he was really attracted to me and well he kissed me, of course I didn’t push him back but the next day he told Maggie that he was in love with me and that he didn’t want her, so she got furious especially when Tyler asked me to run away from him I said no but she still blamed me, eventually she got over it but I don’t think she ever trusted me again,” I told Alex in my saddest voice.

“Wow that’s cruel how could he do that to her? What a bastard,” Alex said in a nasty voice that I didn’t recognise.

“You know the thing is you’re the exact same as Tyler rejected your mate for her sister and you know what I won’t forgive you,” I cried and stood up and left calmly but once I was in the forest I broke down in hysterical sobs.

Maybe I should’ve stayed at the hospital for a little longer.


Hi everyone i'm thinkg of starting a new story tell me if I should or not

Annipel xoxoxo

Rejected For My Sister. (Under some serious editing)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя