"Marls?" Sirius asked, helping her to stand. "Is everything okay?"

"No, something's wrong, Lily. Get Lily." She mumbled quietly.

"I'm not leaving you Mckinnon. You must be mad if you think I'm going to leave you like this" He muttered pushing open the bathroom door and helping Marlene through the door before wedging it open and shouting down the stairwell as loud as he could for Lily.

"Marls it's going to be okay, Lily's coming." He said, reaching for her hand and squeezing it before running through the door and down the stairs into the common room, shouting for Lily frantically the whole time. He scanned the room quickly and when he couldn't see her, he sprinted for the boys dorms, up the stairs and swung the door open before he had time to consider what he was doing. James and Lily pulled apart, looking bemused at first, but as soon as she saw the look on Sirius' face she jumped up.

"Where is she?" She asked pulling her clothes back on as quickly as she could.

"Your bathrooms, quickly Lily." Sirius pleaded before running back down the stairs to Marlene, with Lily and James following shortly behind.

"You left her on her own?" Lily muttered angrily.

"What else was I supposed to do? I had to find you, and I have no clue what's going on up there!" Sirius said, before he opened the door to the girls dorms and into the girls bathrooms.

Lily, Sirius and James all slowed at the sight of Marlene, but every bone in Sirius' body froze. All he could see was Marlene slumped against the wall, tears pouring down her face, one hand on her stomach the other on the floor, holding her up. Blood was soaked through her shorts and her teeth were clenched together, as she took slow deep breaths. Sirius heard James gasp beside him and saw heard Lily shout, "Mcgonagall now James! No other teacher, only Mcgonagall!" and James was gone. Sirius scanned the bathroom and it all came together.

"Sirius some help over here?" Lily demanded snapping him back to reality.

Sirius quickly moved towards Marlene and slumped next to her, letting her lean on him.

"I'm so sorry Sirius." Marlene murmured.

Lily was moving faster than he had ever seen around the pair of them, packing a bag full of Marlene's things.

"Sh, don't." Sirius consoled. "Not now." Marlene groaned in pain.

"Lily is there nothing I can do to help?" Sirius asked, desperate to help. He looked away from Marlene and saw the pants she was holding.

"She can't go anywhere like that, help her up for me?" Lily asked. Sirius nodded and stood, helping Marlene up slowly.

"Hold her okay? Her knees might give way."

Sirius wrapped his arms around Marlene, holding her steady as Lily took of the shorts and underwear.

"James better not come back now." Marlene whispered, a small smile on her face as she stepped into the clean clothes Lily had laid out.

"Is that honestly what you're thinking right now Mckinnon?" Sirius asked, not believing that her biggest worry was James seeing her naked. Lily looked at the pair in disbelief.

"What?" They asked at the same time.

"You two are unbelievable." She said helping Marlene into an old pair of Lily's muggle joggers.

Marlene's frown deepened and she fell back onto Sirius as she grabbed her stomach.

"Prongs needs to hurry up." Sirius commented.

The bathroom door swung open and Professor Mcgonagall stood in the door frame, looking very pale. Lily caught her eye.

"She didn't take the test." Lily muttered.

"Didn't expect her to Miss Evans, but thank you for trying. There is a nurse from St Mungo's on the way, to assess the situation."

"Have you alerted my parents?", Marlene asked unsure she wanted the answer.

"I'm afraid I was left with little choice, if they found out that I was aware that you were in harm's way and they had not been alerted I fear it would have caused much more trouble. Especially if they take you into hospital." Lily nodded in agreement. "And by the looks of things you will be going to hospital Miss Mckinnon." Mcgonagall looked at Marlene sadly, and then up to Sirius, who was white as a sheet. Marlene followed her gaze to Sirius, and opened her mouth to speak, but found herself speechless.

"Is what I think happening, happening?" Sirius croaked looking at Marlene.

Professor Mcgonagall caught Lily's eye once again, and motioned towards the door. "Perhaps we should give them some privacy." Lily nodded in agreement. "We will be right outside Marl." Lily said quietly before they both left the room.

Marlene turned to face Sirius.

"I have three questions." Sirius stated calmly.

"Whatever you want." Marlene agreed.

"Were you going to tell me before?" He asked.

"It depended where the conversation went, but I did want to Sirius."

"But you didn't straight away because it could be his?"

Marlene looked up at Sirius, and nodded.

"Does he know?"

"Of course not! How could yo-" Marlene was cut off by a knocking at the door, and the entering of a nurse, who smiled kindly at Marlene.

"It's time to go Miss," She said opening the door to make way for Marlene and Sirius.  

Marauders Mistakes (blackinnon)Where stories live. Discover now