Chapter Ten - Game On!

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Here’s Chapter TEN!!

Enjoy :)

Chapter Ten- Game On !


“Gwen! Darling, have you packed repellant?” asked mum from across the living room, while packing the sandwiches.

“Yup!!” I confirmed.

“Good! Now please check if your dad has woken up yet. If not then, you know what to do” she said winking.

“Mwwaaahhaa” I laughed evilly as I climbed the stairs.

As I walked in, I saw dad sleeping soundly, I smirked.

I took out my phone, put it on full volume and placed it near his ear.




His eyes jerked open and he sat up immediately. I quickly hid behind the bed.

“Hmm, I wonder who would wake me up like that!”

I suppressed a giggle.

“Oh! This phone looks familiar” My eyes widened.



Yet more silence…



He picked me up and tickled me on the bed.

“I-I aaa---aaammm sss---sss---ooorrrryyy!!” I laughed.

“GUYS!! We are getting late! Hurry or we will leave you here” yelled mum with an amused tone.

“We wouldn’t want that, now would we?” asked dad.


“Run along then and let me get changed”

“Don’t forget to brush either, your breath stinks” I said running down.

“It does NOT!!” he yelled behind me.

“Honey, do you know where the flashlight is?” asked mum.

“I think it is somewhere in the garage” I said wanting her out of the kitchen for a while.

As she made her way to the garage, I filled my haversack with all the chocolates in my fridge.

I heard her footsteps and quickly zipped my bag up and pretended like nothing happened.

“I totally forgot the peanut butter sandwiches” she said opening the fridge.


I slowly headed towards the living room.

“Gwen! Where do you think you’re going?”

I turned back in slow motion.

“I am sorry” I said putting on my best innocent face.

“You forgot one!” she laughed and shuffled my hair.

*honk* *honk*

“That must be the Mackenzie’s. Let’s go” said dad

All of us went outside with our luggage and put it in the booth of their SUV.

Trent and I were way behind.

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