Chapter 2

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"My name is Nisu HōHō."

After calming her down by shoving a chocolate down her throat, I spoke to the mysterious girl who saved me. We went to a ratchet off brand cafe where the hipsters who refused to drink Starbucks went.

"I'm a magical girl. We fight witches."

This bitch crazy

I was given the full explanation.

"Basically, there's a species called Incubators who are far more advanced than the human race. They make contracts with girls who are capable of fighting and protecting the world from Witches. Witches are randomly spawned monsters who are all very different in their unique way. The contract states that a girl gets one wish granted, and in return she must fight the witches with weapons and their own magical ability.

"These abilities are contained in the glowing orb Nisu was holding. These are called soul gems. They are charged by the black orb Nisu had her soul gem absorb. Those are called grief seeds. They are what witches leave behind after being killed. After going too long without a grief seed, a magical girls soul gem gets tainted." That familiar high voice explained

I took a second to take it all in. Actually, I got up and ran.

"Wait!" The voice said.
"I'm Kyubey. I want to make a contract with you."

I stared at the creature.

"bitch whet"

Other people couldn't see the incubator, so they looked at me like I was crazy. But I didn't care because they were dumbass hipsters who listened to what they claimed was "real music." Instead of iPhones, they had Google phones, so if they tried taking a picture of me, it would probably come out too blurry to be able to tell it was me.

"A contract, dumbass." It said.

Suddenly, a robber came into the ratchet cafe.

"Everyone get on the ground!" They yelled with a My Little Pony decorated ski mask.

"AHH BITCH NOT MY WEAVE!" A girl with a purple backpack started running. He shot her on her right ass cheek.
"MISS PETUNA NOO" She yelled as she caressed her ass and fell to the ground.

She began to run towards the man. Before he could shoot again, she kneed him in the balls. He whimpered, but refused to drop his gun. The robber started shooting uncontrollably. At some point he shot someone's coffee on a table, and she yelled "That was fuckin' ten dollar and my virginity, you bitch!"

When the man was just about to shoot the barista, backpack girl kicked him to the grounded, snatched his gun like it was Donald Trumps toupee, and shot him in the crotch. The man was screaming and the hipsters had called 109, the Indian equivalent to 911, instead of 911 because 911 was too mainstream.

Soon after I called 911 on my yellow iPhone 5c, an ambulance came and took the crook and backpack girl.The police were questioning people as to what happened and shot every black person in the room for no reason. After everything was done, me and the Nisu went walking to a dark alley where we were sure nothing would happen. I said I would think about making a contract.

The next day at the middle school, I saw Nisu. She ran toward me like she saw a Snickers bar. Turns out she sniffed out a reeses peanut butter cup and jumped a guy in attempt to get it. After she bit off his dick for it, she calmly walked toward me.

"Hey, Caillou!" She said.

"Hi," I said, slightly scared.

We made plans on having me follow Nisu around as she fights witches.

Later that day, after school, Nisu and I went into a dark alley where one of those black orbs, or grief seeds, exploded and a witch appeared. It was a giant white Vans shoe.

"Damn, Daniel!" Smaller white shoes were running around, trying attack us and make our ears bleed. I wanted to die. Nisu whipped out her chain saw and had her clones go fight the smaller white shoes while she fought the big one. When she was about to go lights out, another girl appeared- Peppa Igpay. She summoned fire and shot at the shoe. She pulled out a small bag of sand, and used her fire to turn it into a glass crossbow.

She burned and shot the shoe until all that was left was a grief seed. Peppa shared the grief seed with Nisu. After they were all better, Peppa introduced herself. She had her green hair in a bun and she had a burnt orange colored soul gem.

Before I could say anything, backpack girl appeared. "Teach me your ways, Senpai."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2016 ⏰

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