Chapter 5

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We walked into the huge mall.

I looked around at the empty mall, I drifted of into a flashback.


" Mommy this one, please," I squeaked pointing at a pretty little dress that hung on a rack outside one of the malls shops

Mum dragged my arm away from the shop, she was wobbly and staggering everywhere.

She wore all black clothes and a set of black sunglasses.

I too was dressed like this, "Mum please," I asked nicely

Mom swung at my head but cought a few stares from around.

She lowered her arm back down and then whispered harshly in my ear," You just wait," Her words made me scared I've heard them words far too often for a young child like me, I only knew what was to come after those words.

She squeezed my wrist tightly, tears slipped down my face as we walked up to a mysterious man.

" You Jane?" He asked looking over his paper

" Yeah you bill?" Mom said

" Yeah," His voice deep, he threw his paper in the bin and put his arm into his large coat pulling out a tapped package handing it to mom quickly, her pushing it into her jacket.

Mom handed him what looked the money.

" I'll see you tonight as well," Mom said as she rushed us off

All I remember after that is hitting a hard wall my dad laughing and the door slamming.


" Lexis why are you crying?" Liam shook me

I looked around, my heart beating to fast my my breath as it hitched in my throat.

Everyone stared at me, I looked around trying to think of an answer.

" Come on guys let's get shopping," El said giving me a worried look

When I told her about everything I really only told her about my parents being addicts me moving out my I told her about my boyfriend being verbally violent nothing else.

" Ok then," Liam said looking at me sideways as he turned around

I breathed out slowly.

Harry walked up and attempted to wipe away the one and only tear that has fallen.

His movement to fast, I held my breath and squinted ready for the instant pain.

" Lexis," Harry said pulling my chin up with his finger

I gently pushed his finger away, he looked at me softly.

My hand still pushing his away.

He went to grab my hand but I slipped it away from his touch.

He looked hurt, " I-I-I'm s-sorry," I stuttered afraid of him

He went to grab my arm reassuringly but hesitated and sat it back down to where it rests.

" Coming love?" He smiled

I nodded and walked along with him, I felt his eyes watch me now and then as we walked behind the boys.

" Lexis where to first?" Liam asked

I looked at him confused

" What shop do you want to go to first," He laughed then I remembered that he wanted to buy me stuff

Bullies Suck But You Don't ( A One Direction Fan fiction )Where stories live. Discover now