I Could Fall In Love

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Caesar's POV

"Yeah... no ma I understand... Everything is taken care of the house is clean, I ordered some pizza, and Hiro is coming over in a little bit to help Sade work on her math"

Caesar was currently on the phone with his Ma who called to tell him that she wouldn't be home until about 7:00 in the morning around the time Caesar and Sade leave for school. His Ma almost sounded a little guilty. She always was like this when she had to stay later at the hospital. Caesar didn't understand why. Its hard being a single mother raising two teenagers and keeping up with the middle class. And on top of that being an immigrant meaning she doesn't have the same opportunities that American mothers have but, somehow she manages to provide more than enough for Caesar and Sade. She's the true MVP.

"Oh Michael what would I do with out you son?" She asked on the phone with her thick Jamaican accent.

"You would figure it out. You always have a way of figuring things out." He smiled wiping on the kitchen counters.

"Don't make me cry. Oh I should get back to work. I love you"

" Love you too ma"

"Alright tell your sister I love her too. And don't be acting fast around that Chinese boy"

Caesar chuckled "He's Japanese ma. And don't worry I'm watching her"

"Good boy" They said their good byes before His ma hung up the phone.

Caesar finished cleaning the counters and put the dish rag in the sink. Just when he existed the kitchen Sade was standing there in the living room wearing a black t-shirt crop showing her stomach, big hoop earrings and some denim capri shorts with black sandals her hair down.

"Is Hiro here yet?" Sade asked playing with her curls .

"No but what the hell are you wearing?" Caesar said in a authoritative tone clearly disapproving of her clothing choice.

"Its just a crop top relax Ceez" Sade said defending her clothing.

"Just a crop top that has your stomach out and is that lipstick- who are you trying to impress" Caesar said crossing his arms giving her the look.

"Nobody" Sade whispered looking down.

Caesar knew she was lying "Mm hmm go take your little fast self upstairs and put on a full shirt"

"But- Ooo I'll get it" Sade ran to the front door when they heard the doorbell ring. She looked through the peephole "It's Hiro, I guess it's too late for me to change" She smiled opening the door.

"Move" Caesar rolled his eyes opening the door for Hiro. "What's up man" He said slapping Caesar hand. "Hey Sister" He pulled her into a hug wrapping his arms around her waist.

Caesar raised a Huey brow at him when he noticed the hug was lasting a little too long for his likings "Alright nigga get off my sister"

"Oh come on Ceez you know I don't see her like that. I got a girl anyways" Hiro said licking his lips walking into their house sitting on the couch with Caesar and Sade shortly behind him sitting on either side of him.

Caesar smirked "You see her today?"

"Did she tell you why she was lying?" Sade asked disregarding Caesar's question. "Well I went to her Grandma's house to ask for her Dad's address and when I got there her they told me they are in a custody battle for Angie with her Grandma. Who doesn't want her biological granddaughter to live with gay men." Hiro said clearly upset.

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