Twenty-Eight pt 2

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So he can save her brother.

And right after they left, Sebastian went into a coughing frenzy, and his eyes started to glow.

He was changing.

Marie Jeanne confronted her brother the moment she walked back into the bar. Walking slowly towards his table, she sits down across from him. The first thing that comes out of her mouth is, "You have killed children."

Sighing, Sebastian says, "I kill whatever dares to cross my path." Clearly, he just doesn't care.

"Why?" Is all she can ask. She looks at her brother as if she doesn't even know who he is anymore.

"Its what I am...what I've become." He says. "You've heard the old story of that happens when you drink rain water from the paw print of a become the Demon-Wolf.

This entire time, he's been what the whole village was afraid of. Back in the cottage, with the candle and the lady living there? When he blew out the candle, she saw his eyes. She screamed bloody murder...

Marie Jeanne looks around the room, debating if she should call her brother out right here and now. "Go." He tells her. "Go ahead. Tell them it's me. Then watch me rip them apart in a matter of moments. Every last soul in this place.."

She can't believe what he's saying. She can't believe what her brother has now become. She doesn't even know who he is anymore. "You're a monster!" She tells him.

"Beast, Marie Jeanne." He says, correcting her. "The Beast." He gets up and gives over to her, whispering in her ear, "You won't catch me."

He wipes her tears away, and brushes the hair out of her face, whispering, "And you won't kill me. We're family, Marie Jeanne." And with that, he goes to grabs his coat and leaves.

The skeptic became a full believer that night. So Marie Jeanne went back to the man that saved her life, Henri, to figure out how to kill both Beast and a brother."


"One bolt may not be enough." Henri tells her. "You need something that cuts deeper."

"A sword?" She asks. "An axe?"

"Something that uses to weight of the Beast against itself." Henri says. He picks up a silver arrow, then turns around to tell her he may have a plan.

She unfolds a cloth, revealing a dagger, and places it at the end of a rod. She then puts both her hands on the neck, and squeezes until she sees her own blood.

Yes, it's pretty evident that it's painful, but the only pain Marie Jeanne feels at the moment is betrayal from her only family.

As she steps back to examine it, both her and Henri seem satisfied with that they've made.


Marie Jeanne hunted Sebastian for 3 years, until she finally cornered him 1767.

As she's running for her life, an angry Sebastian follows her with an arrow to his right shoulder. She continues to run, until she finally falls over nothing. He breaks the arrow off of himself as she scrambles up to save herself.

"Nowhere to run, little sister." He says as he's going after her. When she turns around, her fears become her reality.

Black mist comes out of nowhere as he starts to change. Now he's on all fours, running after her as she continues to find safety.

When she finally reaches the spot where her and Henri's plan is located, she slides into the snow to pick up her weapon. She gets into a fighting stance, pointing it right at her broth-the Beast. She screams as she stabs right through him.

It stops, and the Beast turns back into Sebastian. He holds onto the staff as he slides himself further in to it.

Staring dead at her, into her eyes like she's a naive, teenage girl, he chuckles, saying, "You think this minor injury will stop me? I am the famous and feared Beast of Gévaudan! And when I am done killing, everyone will know. I will have done such horrors, all of history will remember my name!"

"No one will remember." She says, setting her brother straight.

"Damnatio Memoriae. You would have them take my name?!" He shouts. "Our name?!?!"

Not even a second later, Sebastian starts choking. He sees blood coming out of his mouth..but it's not red.

It's black.

"What-" He gasps for air as their plan starts working successfully. "What is this?"

"No ordinary steel," She begins. "Wolfsbane and Mountain Ash, forged with our own blood under the light of the full moon." As she stands up, she looks down on him, saying, "History might remember you, Sebastian," She bends down and kisses his head, whispering "But only as a Beast."

When she lets go, he falls to the ground. She looks up at the sky, crying, because now, she has no family left. She finally put an end to all of this. She saved everyone from the Beast, that was only to be her brother-who just wanted power. She's a true hero.

Marie Jeanne walks around him, taking the rod out of her dead brothers body, and walks away with honor.

Damnatio Memoriae...they erased every detail of him.. Everything he signed, everything he owned..they burned it all.

As everyone puts everything ever owned by Sebastian in the fire, Marie Jeanne stares at it, giving the smallest, "I'm now content with having no family left,"smile, she throws his last letter to her into the pit.

The name Sebastian Valet has been forgotten over 150 years, but when it's remembered...

When the Beast remembers the human inside, it's forgotten.

Gone, forever.

But Marie Jeanne didn't do it alone, she was NEVER alone. She had help from Henri, the Magistrate, the town, even Marcel.

Marie Jeanne never left Henri after the death of her brother, and their relationship became more than a partnership. They married, and she took his name.

Henri Argent.

Marie Jeanne was the first hunter to set the Argent legacy.

The Argent name will be remembered forever for killing the Beast.

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