"Kabuto-san... Is this your second time?" Sakura ask

"Nope...this is my seventh time...This exam is held twice a year so this is my fourth year" Kabuto reply

"Loser...." Sasuke mumble

"hmpf....well I like you guys... I'll share some info with you cute rookies... with these Nin-info" Kabuto said as he took his info cards out

"Nin-info cards?" Sakura ask

"They are basically cards which have info burned on to them with Chakra...I have fours years worth of info here....over 200 cards...They look blank but to open the info on these cards...I just use my Chakra for example..." Kabuto said as he use his Chakra and the blank card show a map

"Wow... A really easy to read graph... What kind of info is this?" Sakura ask again

"This is the number of those taking the exam and the breakdown of what country they are from" Kabuto reply

"Do you have cards with info on individuals?" Sasuke suddenly ask

"Hehe... There are some guys you're worried about? Well.. Of cource... The info on all of this exams participants isn't perfect but I do have it...Even of you guys...say something about these guys and I'll take a look" Kabuto smirk

"Gaara of the Hidden sand and Rock Lee from leaf" Sasuke said

"Aww... you already know there name....how boring" Kabuto said as he took 2 cards from his deck

"Show me..." Sasuke demand

"He's a Year older than you guys also 12.... Mission history: D-rank 40, C-rank 20 completed. His sensei is Gai, his Taijutsu have improved greatly in this year, the rest is nothing impressive...Last year he gained attention as a talented new genin but he did not participate in the Exam. Like you guys, this is his first time. On his Team are Hyuga Neji and Ten Ten"

"Next is Gaara of the desert same old as you also 11. Mission History: C-rank mission 8, B-rank-1, Wow, a B-rank mission as a Genin....Since he's a new comer from a foreign country I don't have much info but... It seems he returned from all missions without even a scratch...His Teammates are Temari and Kankuro (AN: his sensei, I don't know his name^^)"


"Leaf, Sand, Rain, Grass, Water fall, Sound....Many outstanding Genins from the various Hidden villagages are here to take the exam. Well... The hidden sound village is a small village just created last year so there isn't much info but...the rest of the hidden villages are filled with talented youngsters...This isn't going to be easy..." Kabuto said

"Heh...." Naruto suddenly laugh and instantly have all people of the room staring at him "Do you think this losers are stronger than me?" Naruto pointing at them as he send a little Killer intent, as his Oceanblure eyes change cold like ice

As they looking at this eyes, they all step a few step back

'Naruto....' The rookie nine minus Naruto thought with little fear

'hey... It's that guy from before...' Kankuro thought with little stutter

'...........' Gaara thought with little excites

"This Guy was with Sasuke Uchiha.... Neji, Ten ten...." Lee said as he fell this killer instinct

"It's seem like he stronger than his clothers show off" Neji said

"Hmpf... The hidden sound is a minor village? Is that so?" A group said as they ignore the killer intent from Naruto "Let's play with them a little bit...."

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