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No one POV

A raven haired boy of seven in the middle of pure chaos . He could only watch in horror as his loving, caring mother was crushed in the hands of the demon from the book of Zeref: Deliora . He was scared , frozen(not by ice) as the large demon was making chaos and destroying anything in its sight Grays home town being destroyed turning it into a frozen wasteland. Then monster was beginning to make its way to him . He couldn't move no matter how matter how many times he tried but his body was rejecting his commands he closed his eyes when he opened them he was shocked to see him in his fathers arms ? The ugly demon was about to use his blaster at them just as he was about to his father Silver transported him and his son to another location a few miles away

"Gray where is she where's your mother ?"

Gray didn't dare to speak  that his mother Mika was killed by that demon ,instead he shook his head and began to cry silently . Then Silvers grip on Gray tightened his grip on Gray into a warm and gentle hug and Silver began to cradle him . Even though there was chaos and havoc to Gray and Silver it was calm and soothing but that was interrupted when Silver placed his hands on Grays

"Please forgive me my son " Silver apologises speaking to Gray with a apologetic voice

Grays eyes widen in shock"Daddy what are you talking about you didn't do anything wrong did you, you would tell me and mommy that you did something wrong wouldn't you? " he questions Silver with sadness in his voice as Gray feels silvers grip loosen

" they uncovered the truth "

"What do you mean by that"

There was a moment of silence . Silver locked his eyes onto Grays he looked at his son both with regret and sadness of what he has done in the past that has lead up into the future

"That demon deliora wants to kill me " said Silver with sadness in his voice

"Father what are you talking about ........what do you even mean!!!"

His father instantly grabbed his sons right arm without a word and then he began feel something strange within his body . He felt coldness rush through his skin then his veins coursing through his body . It was dark , chilling , powerful he began to feel a new source of magic going into him . He then saw the mark that was surrounding his fathers arm ( ice devil slayer mark) begin to go from his arm to his sons the mark of the devil slayer began to form on Grays right arm . The black tattoo formed around his right arm then it begin to disappear but he could feel the mark that was on his right arm was still there

"F-father wh-what is this?"

"It is the mark of the ice devil slayer "

"Magic?........ But you said that you never "

Silver knelt down and held Gray's head in his rough , calloused , bloody and bruised hands . Silver locked his eyes onto his sons right in the eyes Silver knew that Gray would shut up and not ask him any type of question there is

Gray slowly began to cry once again because he knows what his father is going to do sacrifice himself to by time for Ur to use ice shell to imprison Deliora for a limited amount of time little did Gray know that ice shell could drain the imprisoned creatures life force and the demon could die if released

" I love you my son , please Gray stay strong and don't let that demon escape from that prison that your mentor Ur is setting up "

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