One Shot Cherie Currie

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All my life I dreamt of fame and being just like David Bowie, but standing on this stage now I just want to go home. The fans expect so much of me, but I don't think I have anything else to give them. No one sees that I'm just tired, no one but my Joanie. When I walk out on stage I see the concern in her eyes. I look away from her quickly because if I don't I will lose myself in those warm brown eyes. I would lose myself and not be able to find myself again. The screams from the crowd were deafening when I ran out from backstage. The voices almost blocked out the music from the band. I belt out the first few words of Cherry Bomb and the crowd goes crazy. They rush the stage, while security pushes them back. One guy gets by and tries to grab my leg I watched as Joan shoved a big black boot in his face, still keeping the rhythm on her guitar. She only stops for a second to pull me from the front of the stage. This was one of those times I just wanted to hide behind her like a scared child, bury my face into her back, right between her shoulder-blades, drowning out the rest of the world. My Joanie....does she know how much I love her? I'm too afraid to speak up, too afraid that she will run away. I couldn't imagine my life if she left me. She taught me how to be me, without her I would fall apart. She flashes me that devil-may-care smile and I've lost myself completely, until she turns her face and the roaring of the crowd returns.

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