I hopped on my bike and headed for school. Once I got there everybody got out my way probably wandering who I was. I parked my bike and took off my helmet. I heard whispering and felt people staring at me in shock. I grabbed my bike lock and put it on my bike. I may be riding a motorcycle but nobody bout to steal my precious baby.

"Woah nice ride." Esteban said to me.

"Thxs. Where's Jahyla?" I asked.

"She got sick with the flu so she had to stay home." Jackson told me.

"Do u like Jahyla tell me the truth." I asked him.

"OK I do." He said caving in from my puppy dog eyes. Nobody can't resist my bad boys.

"Ha yes I knew it." I said and started doing a little dance. I then stopped and laughed a little.

"Dude u should totally ask her out." I told him as we were reaching my locker.

"I don't think I should. What if she doesn't like me?" Jackson said. Me and Esteban shared the same look that said 'are u crazy?'

"Dude u 2 give googly eyes every day to each other. Just ask her out already." Esteban said.

"I've been here for what like a month and I can tell u 2 r in love with each other." I said.

"This coming from a girl who just came out of a comma a week ago." Esteban said.

"Exactly." I told him looking back at Jackson who was looking at something with wide eyes and his jaw was nearly touching the floor.

"Jackson what are -" I stopped as my breath got hitched in my throat. What I saw was something I didn't want to see. Tyler had Kailey pressed against a locker shoving his tounge down her throat.

"Sky r u OK?" Esteban asked me.

"I'm fine." I said with a reasurring smile."I guess he was just one of those people who left me in the blink of an eye." I said. Esteban put his arm over my shoulder and we started walking away. Esteban on my right and Jackson on my left. Everybody got out of our way as we walked down the hall to class. Some boys whistled at me and some girls almost melted from Esteban and Jackson just looking at them.

We walked in class and sat down only to be followed by the bell. The teacher walked in and started teaching class. I zoned out looking out the window. Something brought me back and it was the teacher since she slammed her ruler on my desk.

"Ms.Jackson r u paying attention in my class?" Ms.Greene asked me.

"No y?" I asked her as people stiffled laughs in the back of the class.

"Stand up" she told me.

"Hell no y?" I said back to her.

"Just stand up or ur going to the principles office." She said and I just groaned and stood up. She took my hands and slapped it with a ruler.

"Damn it u bitch." I said holding my hands. She smirked and I'm pretty sure Esteban and Jackson got the message cause they both stood up.

"Sky calm down. Ur eyes are turning red." Jackson said.

"No shit Sherlock she just hit my hand with a fuxking ruler." I said glaring to the smirking devil in front of me. I grabbed the ruler out of her hands and broke it in half and threw it at her.

U could hear the class laughing now as I sat back down. Her face grew red from anger and I just smirked.

"SKTLER JACKSON DETENTION!!" she screamed at me which only made my smirk grow wider.

"Bring it on u bitch I don't give a fuck." I said back plainly. The class bursted out laughing she walked out the class and Esteban and Jackson looked at me as if I was crazy and I only winked at them and mouthed 'I have a plan don't worry.'

They nodded their heads understanding what I was gonna do. Probably not. The principle came in and he looked at me.

"Skyler Jackson come with me." He said giving me a glare.

"Ugh finally I can get out this abussive class." I started scratching my hands making my them red so I can make my plan work.

"Y did u throw a ruler in Ms.Greene's face?" He asked me.

"Cause she hit my hand with it. Look it's red." I said as I placed my hands on the table in front of me.

"Oh I see r u OK?" He asked me.

"Yes it doesn't hurt just stings and itches a little bit." I said calmly.

"OK well can u call Ms.Greene in here?" He asked me.

"Sure." I said as I walked back to my class.

"Ms.Greene the principle wants to see u." I said as I walked in.

"Alright." She said and walked out the class.

"What did u do to not get in trouble?" A boy asked me. He had jet black hair with bright green eyes. He was pretty cute.
I showed them my hands as they all stared at me in disbeleif.

"I scratched my hands to make them red and showed them to the principle and he believed me faster then ever." I said as I sat down in my seat.

"Nice" he said to me.

"I can make anybody beleive me faster than u think." I said and winked at him as Ms.Greene came walking back in. She glared at me as I just gave her a toothy grin then a giving her my own glare.

Today is gonna be a good day thanks to Tyler fucking Cruise.

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