Crossing forward about four feet, I was stood next to Dad. His hands were on the wooden sides of the box. He turned to me, smiling softly before back at the sunset. It was as if he was afraid to miss something significant in a sunset. Then again, we'd never been so high so perhaps there were the finer, intricate details that would go amiss commonly from the ground.

"Are you alright, Dad?" I asked.

"Yeah," he breathed, "I'm just thinking about your mom. Matilda would have loved this. She always wanted to go in a hot air balloon but I'd booked it too late. She died a few days before we were set to go. I'm happy at least we get to do it now. I don't think this would have been your sister's cup of tea, though."

Dad barely uttered any words about Mom or Millie. It was like after Millie died after Mom, there was always this lingering sense of an unspoken agreement to never mention them. Perhaps he mused that if we never spoke about them we could nip this whole disease in the bud and be rid of it - that I would never have inherited it but no. Everything was wrong.

"Justin," Dad said, turning around to him. "Come here, enjoy this site with us. You're part of the family, you know."

Justin stepped up to the other side of me. Justin was nearly at Dad's height but Dad still had an extra few inches on Justin. Still, he was much taller than me at five-two. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and left it loitering there softly. Dad leaned down after Justin's arm adjustment and kissed my head.

"This is beautiful," breathed Dad quietly.

Justin leant his head down on mine – with some effort – and said, "Yeah, she is."

My smile widened on my lips having already had a small one broke out unaware as Dad let out a chuckle. "You're one for the cheesy pick up lines then, Justin?"

"As long as Juliet loves them, then yes."

When it was actually the sunset, the sky was a glorious concoction of colours. There were reds, oranges and yellows and a hint of blue for the night sky. The clouds were concealing most of the sky but even when it began to thin out and become just midst, there were pastel variations of the colours, too. It looked like an artist had just morphed all of these colours into one on a blank canvas and made something so spectacular that it entices everyone.

Back landing on safe ground and being driven back to the actual shop later, Dad had a sudden brainwave after leaving and we had to ferry back in after him. I stood by the door a little breathless due to actually running a little to make sure Dad hadn't done anything moronic.

"Don't we have to pay?" Justin said. "It's just occurred to me."

"Oh, you've paid already. It was done over the phone yesterday," the man replied.

"Justin, you paid?" Dad said. "No, you didn't need to. In fact, I'll reimburse you."

Justin shook his head. "Honestly, Ian. It's fine, don't worry about it."

Dad was contemplative. "Fine, then would you like to stay for dinner at our house?"

With one approved nod from me, Justin nodded and concurred.

Back at home, Justin and I stayed in my room just lying randomly on my bed. Dad allowed us up here whilst he cooked the dinner downstairs. Candidly, I didn't know how lenient he'd be with letting me have Justin in my room. But on the contrary, he didn't seem to mind so that was our first destination.

We were just talking about the hot air balloon ride but then things got silent. We were lying next to one another and I had all these thoughts swirling in my mind that words just came tumbling out of my lips inadvertently.

"You know, I regret stringing you along for so long, and not dating you earlier. I wish we could have longer. I am sorry. You don't know how sorry I am to burden this on you and make you do this stupid list for me and have you go through all of this. It isn't your fault and you're here listening to me blabbering away-"

Justin swiftly cut my off by a kiss on the lips which caught me off-guard. It left me speechless when he pulled back. Then he said, "You are the bravest person I have ever met. Not many people could harbour such a disease like this and pass the day away smiling."

"I thought I was doing well for someone who was breaking internally every day who doesn't get the typical treatment from others and instead ridiculed for other things," I replied, finding my voice instantaneously and smiling lightly.

He chuckled softly. "Oh, but you are, Juliet. You are doing so well. So well indeed. I can't imagine ever being like you. I could only dream of being like you."

"Dying of a disease you can't control and following in the steps of your mom and sister?"

Justin's face contorted at the word dying.

"I'm sorry."

"No," he protested, "I am. If I could take your place, I would in a heartbeat. Your life is so much more valuable than mine. And your dad needs you."

I sighed. "Will you promise me something?"

Wavering only fleetingly, he agreed.

"Promise me that when I'm gone, you'll still look after my dad and help him with whatever he needs? He told you on the hot air balloon that you were a part of the family now and you're not breaking apart from it. Promise me you'll look after one another? He'll need someone like you and you'll need someone like him."

Justin kissed my forehead. "I promise. If you wanted me to walk bare-footed around the desert I'd still promise to do it."

Author's Note:


Thank you :) x

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