Thank you all so much.

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Hëj guys (yep Hëj is swedish) Anyways thank you thank you so much for all of the 178 reads and 3 votes and even though it's just 178 reads I would already like to thank you for stopping by and appreciating my story *Time Vs. Future*.
And if you are worried that T.V.S will be ending soon... I'm so sorry that you still have to read this long / boring story. Hahahaha
But no worries at all because T.V.S has a very very long way to go through ( like seriously more chapters to go! ) and I hope your'e enjoying it! And I hope that until the end of this story you will support Time Vs. Future!

And if you are curios about the time's here, well it's not wrong at all and the thing is, I am already giving you some clues / easter eggs To understand this try to read again the Chapter 2 Thanks :)

PS: I am already giving you some clues about the future chapters, and if you have some questions just comment it down below.

- Your's truly


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