I shut my eyes tight, wanting them to just go away, when they were suddenly both off me. I opened my eyes to see Jake guarding me. "J-Jake?" I whimpered. He turned his head towards me, his eyes a very dark green.

"Go to where I took you before. I'll be there soon." He whispered in my ear while his brothers were coming to. I nodded and quickly took off, fumbling up the stairs to the secret room.

Once I was in, I laid in bed, snuggled under the blankets. I don't know how long it was before someone came in. I sat upright to see Jake coming to me. "Are you alright?" He asked when he sat by me. I nodded, relief crossed his face. "Good." He sighed.

"What happened?" I asked. "My brothers ran into a weird plant and it drove them insane, so they kind of came to you for mating." He said.

I felt all color drain from my face. "What?" I barely heard myself whisper. He took in my emotions very visible on my face and worry etched his. "It's alright. They just need to calm down, is all. They won't touch you. Don't worry." He murmured and nuzzled my neck.

"You smell so good." He said and trailed feathery kisses up my neck. I barely held back a moan. "What...are you doing?" I asked. "I won't take it too far." He promised. "Y-You already found your mate. She's your girlfriend." I got out.

"She's not my mate. She just thinks she is. I tried to tell her before, but she got all pouty and began to cry. Yesterday, she wanted to get me in bed with her, so I finally had to call it off." He explained. I tried to talk, but it came out as a moan.

"Will....you go.....out...on a date....with me?" He asked through kisses. I gaped at him. "Don't you think this is moving a little too fast? I haven't even had my first real kiss yet. And you just got out of a relationship." I told him.

"Well, can we be REALLY, REALLY good friends?" He asked. "Yeah, I guess. Conner and Max seem to already think they are, so why not?" I replied.

He smiled and placed his lips on mine. I felt my face heat up and turn crimson. "Now, neither of them can have your first kiss." Jake said smiling. I smiled back.


Three months passed and Neka had been having weird cravings for all kinds of seafood-- squid, octopus, lobster, crab meat, fish, she even went to the beach and wrestled a shark so she could eat that too! I saw the whole thing, and that poor shark never stood a chance.

She was busy eating chocolate and some of everything I just named, her tail moving around happily. I got her cat brush and began to brush her tail, if it wasn't brushed, she'd shed everywhere. She sighed contently.

"Can I have some more?" She asked like a child. "Haven't you eaten enough?" A voice came from the doorway. I turned to see Conner standing there. "Do you mean I'm fat?" She asked, her bottom lip quivering.

"No, sweetie. You're not fat. I weigh more than you do. Besides, the baby you're carrying takes a lot of energy out of you, so you are eating perfectly healthily. You are healthy and beautiful." I told her in a gentle tone.

"But Conner said I was." She sniffed. "Conner is just being stupid, as always." I told her. She giggled. "Yeah. Stupid Conner." She said and licked her plate. "I'll go get you some more." I grabbed her plate from her in the softest way possible and went down to the kitchen.

All the boys were in there, aside from Hunter who was playing with the kittens. I grabbed a plate from the dishwasher. Yes, I already had a plate for Neka's food. Why was I getting this plate?

I walked over to Conner and bashed him on the head so hard the plate broke. "OW!" He growled and pushed me up against the wall aggressively. Jake and Max jumped up and pulled him off me. "What is wrong with you?!" He yelled.

A Neko RomaceWhere stories live. Discover now