Chapter 3

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The next morning, I woke to find Hunter staring at me. I shrieked in surprise and fell off my bed. Neka jolted awake and looked down at me. "Why are you on the floor?" She asked. "KITTIES!" Hunter shouted and cuddled me.

"Don't I get any love?" Neka feigned hurt and Hunter looked at her. He pulled her down then tickled and cuddled her. "NO! Please! I -laugh- can't -squeal- breath -laugh- !" She shouted. Hunter then jumped on me and did the same thing. "Aaahh! No!" I could barely get that out from how hard I was laughing.

Marq walked in. "You know it's hard to sleep on a SATURDAY with all of your YOWLING!" He sipped at a cup of coffee. Neka stuck her tongue out. "School ends Monday, right?" She asked, Marq nodded and eyed me through is dark hair.

I felt very weak and small and intimidated. All feelings I was used to having from the time I was living with the other pack. I gulped. "I-I-I'm going b-back t-to be-d." I said and dove under my sheets, terrified. Marq grinned and walked away. "I have to pee..." Neka said and went to the bathroom, but after a few minutes I heard her sobs..

I walked to the bathroom but the door was locked, so I took the nearest shap thing to me and picked it (the sharp thing being my nails). Neka was on the floor crying, her hair stuck to her face. "

"Neka, why are you crying?" I asked, genuinely concerned. "Marq likes you, he'll never love me..." She muttered. "You don't know that. He scares the carp out of me, and we have all summer to work things out before they start school. Wait, since Marq is 18, he won't be going back to school, will he? That means we have all the time in the world to make him see you're the one for him!" I said excitedly.

She smiled at me. "You are a really great friend." She told me. "Thanks, now let us go to the kitchen, for today, shall be a day, of cookies!" I mocked the sound of a Medieval town crier. She laughed and grinned. "OK." We walked downstairs where Marq was sitting at the table, glasses on, reading a book. "You okay, Neka?" He asked. "Fine.." She said.

He adverted his gaze to me and I bolted out of the room in fright. I ran into someone and fell to the ground. I looked up to see one of the guys from yesterday staring down at me lustfully. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" I shouted and ran up to the room ,Neka and I shared , in tears.

I locked the door and hid under my covers crying and shaking in fear. I really shouldn't have left the room today. Neka came up to the room and unlocked the door. She sat on the bed and stroked my hair. "They won't make you do anything you don't want to..." She said.

Hunter suddenly came into the room holding a plate of chocolate chip cookies. "Why are you crying, Ruby?" He asked. Clearly Neka had told him my new name. "Your brothers scared her." Neka answered for me. "Oh, mama made cookies." He gave Neka the plate and walked out of the room. He looked mad, too.

"What's gonna happen?" I asked. "Not sure, but I wanna watch." Neka set the plate down and walked to the door. She turned back. "Save me some cookies." She said and walked downstairs.

I took a cookie from the plate and began to nibble at it. "Hey." A voice said from the doorway. I turned to see one of the guys from yesterday. He was well built, with light hair, dark blue eyes, and a strong jaw. He was wearing a v-neck white t-shirt with blue jeans and he was barefoot.

I hid under my bed, taking the cookies with me. No matter what, SAVE THE COOKIES! I thought to myself. "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty. I won't hurt you." He said and held his hand out to me as he crouched down. "Please, just...." My voice trailed.

"It's alright, come on out." He said kindly. "No." I said. "Why not?" He asked. I couldn't let him know I was scared of him. So I said the first thing that came to mind. "'Cause you'll take all the cookies away." I lied.

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