Jade, Will You Marry Me?

Start from the beginning

"Potential in me to do what? Unless I can get a masters degree in twerking, modeling, or being a bad bitch, college ain't for me." I argue.

"Nah, you more than that but I'm not gonna trynna force nothin on you. Just stay pretty and loyal." Melrose tells me as she lays her head on my shoulder.

In the morning, Melrose drives me over to my mom's house to retrieve the twins. When we arrive my mom goes on about how Jaden looks just like me when I was a baby and how Malaya looks so much like Melrose. My mom is pretty clueless about the depth of me and Melrose's relationship. She thinks Melrose is just my little friend, until she sees my ring. 

"Jade, are you wearing a wedding ring?" My mom asks as she holds up my hand and examines my gigantic ring.

"Actually, it's an engagement ring, Yvette." Melrose tells my mother with her hands tucked into her pockets.

"It's so beautiful and looks expensive as hell! Jade, are you engage to Majesty?" My mother asks with a joyful smile.

There's an awkward silence as me and Melrose exchange looks.

"Umm, no mom. I'm engaged to Melrose." I say nervously.

My mom takes a glance at Melrose then back at me. "Wait, I thought they were related?" My moms say looking very confused.

"Yeah, that's my twin brother." Melrose begins to laugh.

"Look mom, it's hard to explain." I try to defend.

My mom shakes her head as she hands me the twins then slams the door in our faces. 

"Wow, she took that well." Melrose sarcastically says.

"Mel, you think this is a good idea?" I look at her with tears filling my eyes.

"Maybe, she's mad about you being gay, not the fact that I'm her grandchildren's auntie and her future daughter in law." Melrose laughs.

"Mel, this is not funny. I'm about to lose everybody!" I cry.

"Aw shit? Really? That must feel horrible to have your family disown you. Then you may start losing friends, all cause they don't like the person you wit. Shit, must suck." Melrose sarcastically says, climbing back into her Benz.

I strap the twins in without a word. I get an angry text from Majesty telling me that he wants to see the twins, although he gets them at night. However, I ain't in the mood to fight. 

"Mel, we gotta drop the twins off at Majesty's." I rudely say.

"Aw, look, we already actin like a married couple. What next? We gon stop fuckin or just start havin affairs and shit?" Melrose says while laughing.

"Mel, I'm not even in the mood." I hop out of the car and bring the twins to Majesty's door.

Majesty answers  the door shirtless and out of breath. There's a dark black man in a striped shirt with a whistle, in the back, who I assume is his coach. 

"You comin to my game tonight?" Majesty holds out NFL tickets. 

My heart races with joy. "That's right, I never even seen you play."

Majesty picks up each of the twins and gives them a kiss and baby talks them. Melrose honks loudly. Majesty pokes his head out the door and rolls his eyes. 

"Tell her that she's invited to the game too. She needa see all the shit she can't do but I guess every time she look at these kids it's a reminder." Majesty says as he walks into the twins room.

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