21 | Spying

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Anakin hadn't said anything as Obi-Wan spoke to Master Windu. He seemed to be invisible towards their conversation, and all he could do was listen.

"We mustn't allow Chancellor Palpatine to suspect anything." Mace said to Obi-Wan. "Otherwise this may fail completely."

Anakin stiffened as the two looked at him. "Anakin, you are needed to spy on the Chancellor and tell the Council what he's up to."
Anakin's eyes widened. "That's treason!"
Mace Windu stared at the young Jedi Knight, and Anakin's shoulders slumped. "Darkness surrounds the Chancellor. I ask you do you job otherwise a consequence is enrolled." He snapped.

Anakin looked towards the ground. "Forgive me, Master."

Anakin looked away as the two walked towards the Council Chamber, and he sighed to himself.


Anakin ran through the crowds that took up the long walkway inside of the Opera House, hoping he wouldn't be late. Once he arrived to the stairs, he slowed into a walk, and inside.

Chancellor Palpatine sat along side of Mas Amedda inside of a private booth; just above the arena. Anakin inhaled before walking towards them, and Palpatine smiled.
"How nice of you to join us." Sheev said to the Jedi. He looked towards his friends, only to command them. "Leave us."

As they left, Palpatine patted the empty seat next to him for Anakin to sit. He calmed once he seated, and he looked at the Chancellor.

"Tell me. What brings you?" He asked.
Anakin swallowed. "Nothing specific... I was just interested in what you hold for the Senate, and the war that is approaching."
Chancellor smiled. "I truly do wish that the Senate and the Jedi were at peace, involving the Politicians." He said, his eyes focusing on the affecting theater before him. "Perhaps I'll wait out."

Anakin bit his lip roughly as he forced himself not to say anything absurd that was over Master Windu's orders. "I understand."
Chancellor Palpatine then looked at him. "The Jedi cannot make peace with those who don't satisfy them."
Anakin shook his head in disagreement. "The Jedi are selfless. They put everything and everyone before themselves."

Chancellor Palpatine's lips quirked into a smile. "The Jedi need you more than you know, Anakin."
He couldn't accept that compliment as much as he wanted to. "Thank you, your excellency."

But that's what Anakin was afraid of.
He had to tell the Jedi Council that Chancellor Palpatine had no motivation in stopping the arriving war.


Lydia stood out on the balcony as Coruscant's sky began to change color. From the day sky blue, to the night-arriving pink.

She held her lightsaber hilt in her hand as she admired it, wondering to herself what would happen if she hadn't come to Coruscant.
I'd be dead, she thought.
But what if she hadn't had to leave because of assassination attempts? She would have never met Anakin.

Oh, Anakin.

Pressing the button on her lightsaber, she watched the bright beam appear. It glistened off of the glass reflecting table beside her, the hum filling her ears.
Turning it back off, she jumped slightly as she heard the doors to her apartment sliding open.

Anakin stepped inside, and she ran to him. He wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, burying his face in her neck.
"I was beginning to worry about you." Lydia said as she pulled back, holding his tunic in her hands. "Obi-Wan hadn't heard from you since I last spoke to him."

Anakin frowned to himself as he took off his cloak. "Does that mean he told you what he has me doing?"
She rose a brow. "What?"
He sat on the arm of the sofa inside of the Veranda. "Obi-Wan and Master Windu ordered me to spy on the Chancellor."
She blinked. "But.. That's -"
"Treason." He finished. "But they believe that the dark side of the Force surrounds him."

Lydia stood in front of him, and ran her fingers through his hair. "This will all settle once the Chancellor asks to stop this war."
"That's the problem." He muttered. "He isn't going to."
She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Don't stress about it."

He sighed as she pressed her forehead to hers. "I'm trying not to."

Once their lips met; Anakin suddenly felt a wave of relief wash over him, and he calmed down. He held her face softly as she hugged him tightly, soon letting go.

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