He couldn't believe that he just made a total fool of herself in front of his soulmate! He knew that since elves and faeries were more in tune with the spiritual and nature world and all that, they would receive the greatest blow when they saw their soulmate. Demons, angels and other races would merely know that the person is his or her soulmate but would rarely fall for the person on sight. However, they would fall for the person with time.

Humans were the worst. They were unable to identify their soulmate and may reject their soulmate at first. They really had to try hard if they wanted to win over the human girls. Very hard.

Right now, their chances weren't looking very good...

Benjamin sighed. People called him a pessimist but he liked to view himself as a realist.

"DIE YOU STUPID BASTARD!!" a female voice shouted in fury. Benjamin recognized it as the voice of the human who allowed his soulmate to invite them in. The shout was followed by a cry of pain, which definitely belonged to Damien.

Yup. Their chances weren't looking good indeed.

A few minutes prior to the shout:

Damien looked around and whistled. "Woah, impressive," he stated.

"No one asked for your input," a voice said from behind him. He turned to see a girl resting her head on her hand and staring dully at the papers in front of her. In her other hand was a pencil and she was twirling it.

With just once glimpse at her, he knew. He just knew that she was his soulmate. The one he was going to marry. He smirked. Getting her to go with him would be a piece of cake.

Walking towards her with an air of confidence around him, he put his arms on the table and leaned forward. The girl didn't seem to have noticed his intrusion into her personal bubble, continuing whatever she was doing and not caring about anything that was happening.

"Whatever you're selling, we aren't interested," she said without looking up. Damien smirked.

"Who said we were selling anything?" he asked. June sighed and looked up.

"Then what do you..." she trailed off upon noticing their closeness. Her eyes widened before they narrowed. "Get out before-" she never finished her sentence for she was cut off by a pair of lips.

That bastard was kissing her! The nerve of him...

He will pay...

Shoving Damien away, June glared at him. Damien was oblivious to her rising anger and smirked once again.

"How would you feel about being my girl?" he asked.


"DIE YOU STUPID BASTARD!!" she screamed and brought her closed fist down onto one of his hands that was resting in the table. Hard.

Though in normal circumstances, this would not have a huge effect on a demon, let us take into consideration a few factors.

Number one, June is a very strong girl. Number two, she was holding a pencil in said hand. Number three, the pencil wasn't mechanic. Number four, it was recently sharpened to a degree of sharpness that didn't seem physically possible. Number five, when June slammed her hand into Damien's, the tip of the pencil was facing down. AKA, facing Damien's hand.

And the conclusion is...


In Helde:

"Hm, someone is putting my son in his place using a very painful method..." the demon king mused before his face turned dark and stormy. "And I'm not there to witness it..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2011 ⏰

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