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For nearly a month now, my little girl is learning to fight. She attacks these lessons as she has everything else, with courage and determination. She willingly learns to use any weapon that is put into her hands and never complains about blisters or the exhaustion I see in her eyes.

When she practices archery, I remember Kili when he was small and first learning to shoot, though she learns faster than he did. She does well with spear, ax, and sword as well. But it is with duel weapons that she excels. Because of her time in the forge, she easily wields two small war hammers or hand axes and dual short swords. Because of Solian's training, she quickly picks up hand-to-hand combat. She uses a shield for lessons, but prefers to do most of her fighting without one.

I haunt Dain when I see him watching her lessons. "She will soon be a better fighter than you and she will fight for what is hers," I tell him and smile when he jumps and rubs at the chill from my presence.

She still takes her daily turn in the forges, while also continuing her general studies, history, and court manners with Balin. She is strong. She is ready. I tell Balin so.

He tells her that she should talk to her cousin and she invites him to dine with her. She cooks a special meal that I remember well from some of my few visits. She cooks well, and Dain had better appreciate it.


“Lord Dain, I invited you to dine with me so that we could discuss some things.”

“Yes, Princess?”

Balin smiled from his spot in the corner. He was there as both an advisor and a bodyguard. He was pleased that Dain had finally begun acknowledging her position and rank.

“We are at an impasse in regards to whom should rule Erebor. You feel you have a claim, though by right of inheritance it is mine." He grunted, his mouth full of food. “It has come to my attention that there is yet another Dwarf kingdom that is yet to be reclaimed, and will also need a ruler.”

“And which one is that?” her cousin asked around yet another large bite.


Fortunately for Thora, she was not in the line of fire when he sprayed ale and food in surprise. “Have ye gone mad, lass? Moria is overrun by orcs and goblins. It fell to that vile race before your father’s time. Your grandfather went mad there and your uncle and great grandfather died there trying to reclaim it after the dragon took Erebor!”

“I know all this, cousin. I also know that because of the Battle of Five Armies, the orcs and goblins are greatly depleted, scattered, and leaderless. If there was ever a time to reclaim our sacred places, it is now, before they rebuild their numbers.”

“So you intend to be Queen Under the Mountain while I go fight what I believe to be a losing battle. Is that it? Send me to my death? That’s how you settle things, then. I see.” His face was red as he shouted and shook a ringed finger at her.

Her expression darkened. "No, you don't see!" she shouted back at him, lunging to her feet with such force that her chair toppled over behind her. She slapped her palms flat against the table then leaned on them, looking her cousin directly in the eye. When she spoke again, her voice was calm, her tone even, her volume normal. "This is how I settle things. I offer you a choice. Either go with Balin and reclaim Moria, become king there, or you release my inheritance to me in full and I will go with Balin. I will fight the battle you don't believe in. I will be queen under another mountain. I will be Queen of Moria. In this way we both get what we want."

“And what if you fail? You’ll return and we will be right back here again.”

"No, if I fail and if I return, it will not be to here. I will return to my old home in the Blue Mountains, where my father established a Dwarven settlement. Dwalin does not wish to see Moria again, so I name him Lord of the Blue Mountain Dwarves in my absence. I give you my word. Once you decide which kingdom you want, I will take the other, and the matter will be forever settled between us." A servant stepped forward and righted Thora's chair so that she could sit. She smiled and thanked the young man.

Dain was now reclining in his seat, considering her offer. “So you will relinquish your right to the crown and title as Ruler Under The Mountain?”

“If you will agree to my terms, cousin.”

“Why? Why do want to go on this insane quest?”

"Is that what you asked my father when he sought your help on his insane quest against the dragon?" she asked innocently. He frowned at her, but she ignored it and continued, "I want to do this for the same reasons he did. I feel it is time and the right thing to do. I want to go because it is the only peaceful solution to our problem that I have found. I know I have backing as Queen, as you do to be King, but I will not have our people fighting amongst ourselves. That is what would be insane. Not to mention foolish. This way, we can each have a kingdom."

“Agreed. I drink to your health and success, Queen Thora of Moria.”


I am at peace once again. I feel myself slipping away, but I have one last jibe for my cousin. “I told you she would be queen.”

I speak to Balin next. He doesn’t jump anymore, he’s used to me now, I guess. “Look after her for me, old friend. My little girl, now a wise woman.”

Finally, I have worked up the courage to speak to her. “Thora?” She doesn’t move. Maybe she doesn’t hear me. “Thora?”

She smiles and turns her hand over on the arm of her chair, palm up, and mouths the word, “Father,”

So she did hear me. I wonder at this, for I am fairly certain Balin hadn't told her of my presence. I touch her upturned palm. "I love you, Thora. I always have. And I am proud of you. So strong, so beautiful, so courageous. You will be a great queen and bring great honor to the Line of Durin. Queen Thora, daughter of Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror, of the line of Durin. Queen of Moria. Farewell, my daughter."

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