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“…But sad or merry, I must leave it now. Farewell.”

I remember dying. I remember struggling to say those words to Bilbo, my friend, to whom I had spoken quite cruelly some hours before. I remember the peace in my mind and the pain in my body suddenly being gone. So why am I back here, watching my cousin Dain about to be crowned King Under the Mountain? Because that crown is not his to wear. The line of Durin is not broken, as most folk believe. I look around until I see Balin.

The old warrior looks sad and conflicted, even as he cheers along with the rest of my people. Because he knows, and I swore him to secrecy. I forgot to release him before I died. I make my way to him and whisper in his ear, “Thora.”

My old friend nearly jumps out of his skin and rubs his arms as he’s felt a chill. I try again. “Remember Thora. You must stop this. You must give her the chance to know her heritage. Remember Thora. I did this for her. I wanted her to have the life she deserved as Princess Under the Mountain. Stop Dain and find Thora. Please, old friend!” I must have gotten through because his face changes before he steps forward…


Over the fires in the forge, the separate rhythms of two hammers rang out, making music as the smiths sang an old Dwarvish working song. One voice was higher and obviously female while the other was deeper and male, but together, they made beautiful forge music as Balin and a small envoy arrived at the farm on the edge of the Dwarf settlement in the Blue Mountains. He smiled into his beard for a moment, remembering other times he had come here with Thorin. But then the grief took the smile away.

A Dwarf woman came out of the large stone cottage to greet him and offer his company some food and drink. He accepted for them and promised to join them shortly. “I have some business with Thora first.” He dismounted his pony and pulled an oddly shaped package from the saddlebag.

“So the quest was successful? Is he claiming her now?”

“Yes, and no, Brina. We have successfully reclaimed Erebor, but the king is no more. We hope to find our queen today.”

Balin left her where she stood, hand over her mouth and tears in her eyes, as he walked into the forge as if he were walking into a great hall.

Princess Under the Mountainजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें